same here please.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Hank Smith, and Seeing-eye dog Iona" <>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Saturday, December 26, 2015 4:39 AM
Subject: Re: The new version of winamp

I to would like the hot key file as well

On 12/25/2015 9:21 PM, Casey wrote:
> Hi are you willing to share you hot keys file for foobar?
> So those of us that would like to try it and are not to formaulaer on
> how to set the short cut keys for play and stop and so on can load in
> your key file and start using it.
> On 12/24/2015 12:54 AM, Brett Boyer wrote:
>> All I can say is foobar 2000.
>> Yes you have to set it up yourself but once you do it is so
>> customizable that it can beat anything winamp can do. In fact, you
>> can manage multiple playlists at the same time, copy files from
>> windows explorer, and make your won hot keys for every single command
>> in the program including menu bar, context menus, now-playing context
>> menus, and many many more.
>> Here is an article
>> I have been a foobar user for over 4 years.
>> And yes, I still have winamp on my machine and use it form time to
>> time, probably because old habbits die hard. But if I have to do
>> anything for my radio show, or out in my living room where I have tv
>> shows, music, my Howard Stern live streams, karaoke files, and a
>> playlist for when particular guests are over. I can do all of this
>> inside of foobar without having to load playlists over and over.
>> The beauty part is managing multiple playlists in a tab style that
>> makes my life a lot easier.
>> Good luck to you though.
>> If you do find the article of interest, since it's written for the
>> general community I'd be happy to help you out figuring out
>> accessible ways of doing things that the article doesn't cover.
>> I hope you find what you're looking for!
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of
>> Barry Chapman
>> Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2015 6:03 PM
>> To: 'PC Audio Discussion List' <>
>> Subject: RE: The new version of winamp
>> Well whether Winamp is the best or not is a matter of opinion, but I
>> can say that I don't know of any other player which has all of the
>> features that I use on a regular basis. Just a few that come to mind
>> are:
>> 1. Ability to play, pause, stop go back a track and go forward a
>> track with one finger of my left hand. This is important to me when I
>> use Winamp to stream and need to use my right hand to control my mixer.
>> 2. The ability to move forward and back in five second increments
>> with one finger.
>> 3. An option to stop playing after the current track in a playlist.
>> 4. The ability to locate a track in Windows explorer and add it to
>> the Winamp playlist, either after the currently playing track or at
>> the end of the playlist.
>> 5. The ability to search for a track in a playlist and move it to
>> after the currently playing track.
>> 6. The ability to delete tracks from a playlist.
>> 7. The ability to save a modified playlist.
>> 8. The ability to cross fade tracks with a configurable plugin.
>> 9. The ability to equalise the volume of all playing tracks with a
>> configurable plugin.
>> 10. The ability to have title information show up in Edcast when
>> streaming.
>> 11. The ability to find the length of a track in time as well as
>> being able to find out the elapsed time and time remaining of a
>> currently playing track.
>> 12. The ability to select a sound card other than the default for the
>> output.
>> 13. The ability to edit and modify ID3 tags in MP3 files.
>> 14. The ability to review tracks in a playlist by arrowing up and down.
>> 15. The ability to search a playlist for tracks containing key words.
>> 16. The ability to press enter on a track in Windows Explorer and
>> have it start playing without the focus moving from Windows Explorer.
>> 17. The ability to set a placemarker in a file when using JAWS.
>> 18. The ability to set bookmarks for streams.
>> 19. The ability to play a wide range of audio formats.
>> 20. The ability to jump to a specific time in a track.
>> 21. The ability to play the last few seconds of a track (possibly a
>> JAWS feature).
>> 22. The ability to easily get information about streams and tracks,
>> such as the bit rate.
>> I'm sure there are other features that don't come to mind
>> immediately. If Dane or anyone else can tell me of another free or
>> low cost player which they know will doo all of the above as well or
>> better than Winamp, I would be willing to give it a try.
>> Thanks,
>> Barry Chapman
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of
>> Dane Trethowan
>> Sent: Thursday, 24 December 2015 12:01 PM
>> To: PC Audio Discussion List <>
>> Subject: Re: The new version of winamp
>> Well it won’t be the worlds best media player if its not accessible
>> will it <smile> and there are plenty of people who would dispute your
>> generalisation regarding Winamp being the World’s best media player.
>>> On 24 Dec 2015, at 11:44 AM, Brian <> wrote:
>>>     Winamp will always be the best player for screen reader users and
>>> keyboard users so you are a very big lier.  if the new winamp is
>>> better and still accessable I would conciter using it but if not I
>>> will just keep using version 5.66 Brian Sackrider
>>> On 12/23/2015 4:45 PM, Dane Trethowan wrote:
>>>> Don’t care any more as there are so many good alternatives anyway,
>>>> the best thing that every happened in the media player world was
>>>> the announcement made that development would cease on Winamp and as
>>>> yet I’ve not heard any convincing reason as to why anyone should
>>>> mourn the loss of this software.
>>>> If a new company has taken Winamp over and development has started
>>>> again then all well and good but I do think the player became far
>>>> too bloated is is very much over rated.
>>>>> On 24 Dec 2015, at 8:16 AM, Hank Smith, and Seeing-eye dog Iona
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> its about time they released it
>>>>> had no idea that they released a new version
>>>>> On 12/23/2015 2:12 PM, Larry Higgins wrote:
>>>>>> Hello listers,
>>>>>> Just wanted to know if any of you have used the latest version of
>>>>>> Winamp from Radionomy? If so, how accessible is it with screen
>>>>>> readers? I found out that the there is apparently only two
>>>>>> versions, pro and light, and the pro is around $19.00.
>>>>>> I might consider springing for the Pro version if I knew that it
>>>>>> was actually worth it, or maybe another way of putting it, if it
>>>>>> wouldn't break all of my presets and WE scripts/apps. I'd far
>>>>>> rather use the old version for as long as I can, rather than
>>>>>> destroying a perfectly working Winamp listening environment.
>>>> **********
>>>> Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest
>>>> of the halfwits in this world behind.
>> **********
>> Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest
>> of the halfwits in this world behind.
>> ---
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