Sure they have.
Even the cables seem to be of very good quality.
> 20 okt. 2015 kl. 20:45 skrev Dane Trethowan <grtd...@internode.on.net>:
> I'm willing to bet that the P7 cans will last one hell of a long time, built 
> like a battle ship.
> I'm a bit dismayed with the carrying case provided, it looks nice but I've 
> seen better designs however at least the cans have a case you can put them in 
> for transportation.
> On 10/20/2015 11:11 PM, Anders Holmberg wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Now i understand what Dane meant when he mentioned on the list that if you 
>> love your music then you’ll have to have good  headphones.
>> I have just had my first listen with them on my Ipod.
>> I have to say that though my bose bluetooth headphones are good they can’t 
>> beat these cans at all.
>> 300 bucks for a pair of cans might sound very much but hey, think of what 
>> you get for the price.
>> They actually were a tough one for my economy but not for me personally when 
>> i first had a look at them and heard them for the first time.
>> I had my bose with me when i bought them so it was not a problem to compare.
>> It took me 2 minutes aproximatly to deside i wanted these cans.
>> The only drawback for my personal preference is that they are a bit tight on 
>> my head even if i adjust them.
>> But its a small small drawback so its not a problem.
>> And when i cut my hair tomorrow i can where them mor comfortably.
>> I actually sold my beyer dynamics and i don’t regret that dessision.
>> I was a bit sceptic before i got them but i am no longer.
>> I wonder if there are better cans for this price actually?
>> /A
> -- 
> **********
> Those who don't need help are prepared to help themselves

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