If you think they osund good on your iPod, wait till you try them on a
Stereo Ssytem or even your Mac, the iPods and so on don't have the best
sounding audio through their headphone output which is unfortunate but
still.. it does most people.
On 10/20/2015 11:11 PM, Anders Holmberg wrote:
Now i understand what Dane meant when he mentioned on the list that if you love
your music then you’ll have to have good headphones.
I have just had my first listen with them on my Ipod.
I have to say that though my bose bluetooth headphones are good they can’t beat
these cans at all.
300 bucks for a pair of cans might sound very much but hey, think of what you
get for the price.
They actually were a tough one for my economy but not for me personally when i
first had a look at them and heard them for the first time.
I had my bose with me when i bought them so it was not a problem to compare.
It took me 2 minutes aproximatly to deside i wanted these cans.
The only drawback for my personal preference is that they are a bit tight on my
head even if i adjust them.
But its a small small drawback so its not a problem.
And when i cut my hair tomorrow i can where them mor comfortably.
I actually sold my beyer dynamics and i don’t regret that dessision.
I was a bit sceptic before i got them but i am no longer.
I wonder if there are better cans for this price actually?
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