Apple TV has absolutely nothing to do with cable or your cable box. It has it's own content and content from other providers that Apple has contracted with. If you are expecting to replace your cable box with the Apple TV I'm afraid you are going to be disappointed. All you have access to is what is on the Apple TV menus and anything else Apple decides to add in the future.

Best Regards,

Rick alfaro

On 2/23/2014 4:54 AM, Gary Wood wrote:
Well I did get Voiceover, and I was able to find a lot in the menus.  I
will have to get back with all of you when I find out more.  I feel that
even though I have my Apple TV set up, that I should be able to choose
whether I want to hear it, or the regular cable TV.  I had to replace
the cablebox, so I'll have to have it hooked up again sometime to see if
I have better luck this time.  I hope it works this time.  I bought this
before I ever heard of Rasberry Pie.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Dane Trethowan"
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2014 4:13 AM
Subject: Re: Apple TV

The Raspberry Pi running XBMC Media Center or similar has a huge
advantage over the Apple TV, its open source meaning that its not
restricted in any way as the Apple TV is.

Now since you've got an Apple TV I suppose we may as well do some
trouble shooting, how do you have the device connected firstly and does
anything happen at all when the Apple TV is booted/

On 23 Feb 2014, at 8:09 pm, Gary Wood <> wrote:

I did buy one.  We tried setting it up the other day, but for some
reason, I couldn't get anything on cable.  What's the advantages of
the Rasberry Pie?
----- Original Message ----- From: "Dane Trethowan"
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2014 12:42 AM
Subject: Re: Apple TV

The Apple TV is a separate device from your cable system, nothing
whatever to do with the cable system, are you thinking of buying one?
The Apple TV is a good system, I have one but there are better systems
available such as the Raspberry Pi running XMC Media Center.

On 23 Feb 2014, at 1:50 pm, Gary Wood <> wrote:

When someone sets up Apple TV, can he or she still watch the cable
channels normally watched, or can they only watch ones on the Apple
TV system?


Dane Trethowan
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Twitter: @grtdane


Dane Trethowan
Skype: grtdane12
Phone US (213) 438-9741
Phone U.K. 01245 79 0598
Phone Australia (03) 9005 8589
Mobile: +61400494862
faceTime +61400494862
Fax +61397437954
Twitter: @grtdane

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