Is the XMC media center accessible? Last time I tried it the answer was no because it used all bit mapped graphics but this was under Windows. Is this really accessible under Linux?

Best Regards,

Rick alfaro

On 2/23/2014 12:42 AM, Dane Trethowan wrote:
The Apple TV is a separate device from your cable system, nothing whatever to 
do with the cable system, are you thinking of buying one? The Apple TV is a 
good system, I have one but there are better systems available such as the 
Raspberry Pi running XMC Media Center.

On 23 Feb 2014, at 1:50 pm, Gary Wood <> wrote:

When someone sets up Apple TV, can he or she still watch the cable channels 
normally watched, or can they only watch ones on the Apple TV system?


Dane Trethowan
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