I recorded some audio files to which I'd like to send to someone via email. I can create a hyper link within word that would take someone to a webpage, but don't know how to create one for anything else. For example, when you go to either blindcooltech.com, or blind-geek-zone.net, as you know, when you hit enter on any of the names of the mp3 files it will automatically launch your media player. That's the type of link I'd like to create. I can't create hyper links directly within my email program, so what I'm going to have to do, is open the document to which I want to enter the hyper links into, which already exists, insert the links, and then copy-paste the whole thing into the body of my email to the recipient. How do I create a hyper link so that when the recipient presses enter or clicks on it within the email message, it will launch their media player thus, allowing them to hear what I've recorded. I've tried googleing this, but all I seem to be able to find are articles pertaining to people who want to add links to their webpage or blog, which goes beyond what I'm trying to do. Any help would greatly be appreciated. Note, although I am efficient with the computer, I have to be honest when I say, I don't understand technical jargon. So please try to keep things simple. Thanks.
Rochester, NY.

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