Regarding this debate about speakers I think it is very important to decide
what you really want to do with your speakers.  

If the main thing is listening to movies, then a proper surround system will
do the job.

However, I have never heard a surround sound system that really sound good
when listening to music.  I have no idea why this is so but they simply
usually sound bad.

If your main goal is listening to music, rather spend the money you would
have spent on all unnecessary extra speakers on a good quality 2.1 music

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Matthew and Edgar 
Sent: 10 November 2011 05:50 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: Computer Speakers

Thank you for this. I have been looking for speakers for my pc for a while

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Dane Trethowan
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 3:37 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Computer Speakers


This message was sent to another list originally so I've alter the text a
little to reflect the sending of the same message to another list <smile>.

I Bought a new pair of computer speakers today as one of the pairs I was
using is finally failing though I'm not complaining about that so much, I've
had them for nearly 4 years and they only cost me $20.00.

To put it bluntly the new pair I now have  are excellent value given that
they're priced for under $100.00.  The system consists of 3 speakers, 2
satellites and a bass woofer, all the circuitry for the system is in the
woofer unit.

I've not sen a woofer design such as this, its a cone shape and is designed
to sit on a desk or a shelf rather than the floor.  This is the first
speaker system where I've seen a bass adjustment on the woofer, extremely
handy I must say if you're wanting to do a little "midnight blasting" and
you don't want to wake the neighbours or you have the woofer sitting next to
you on your desktop.

I like the sound of this system, bass is at a level which arouses the
interest of a pair of ears but its not over baring as some cheaper speaker
systems are, certainly the Logitech system I had was dreadful in this

Mid range and top frequencies are very pronounced and perhaps the mid range
too much so.

In short, don't buy the $20.00 pair of speakers, save your money and buy
this pair and you'll be well pleased.

If you want to further fine tune your listening experience through a 2.1
channel speaker system then take your ears up to the top Altec Lansing model
in the 2.1 range which is the "Expressions Ultra", moremore about this
particular speaker package in the coming weeks.

You can read a detailed review of the Altec Lansing Expressions Plus
Speakers on my blog at <> which will be
available shortly, the Expressions Plus is the model I'm talking about in
this email..

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