Yep, that's what I plan to do when I get a Media Center PC. When the time
comes, I want to get either Dell's XPS 8300, or their Studio XPS 9100 PC.
Then I'll get one of those cards that way when I can get a 7.1 system, It'll
be prepaired.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Dane Trethowan
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 9:50 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Computer Speakers


I use HDMI connection between comptuer and amp all the time as my HP 
Notebook has HDMI built-in, I get far more out of surround-sound doing 
things that way than I would with a $150.00 surround-sound speaker kit 
for a computer.

On 11/11/2011 12:05 AM, Hamit Campos wrote:
> By the way Dain, your Yamaha surround sound system has HDMI ports on it
> right? Well, weather you realize it or not, you could use it on your
> computer. Yep, you heard ne correctly. There are graffics cards that have
> HDMI ports on them and can send audio threw them. The best of wich is the
> ATI Radion HD5850. It can send up to LPCM 192 KHZ audio at 32 bit 7.1
> surround sound. How cool is that?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> On Behalf Of Dane Trethowan
> Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 1:33 AM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: Re: Computer Speakers
> Yeah okay, I appreciate you posting this however I can assure you that
> $150.00 certainly doesn't get you the sort of wattage figure in real terms
> you're quoting and I'd like to make it clear that I'm not contradicting
> here, rather its the manufacturers that have a lot to answer to here.
> For example, did you mean your wattage in Peak value  - meaning that's the
> wattage you may get for about ten seconds or so at a particular volume -
> did you mean your watts in RMS which is the way Hi-fi amps are measured.
> I would imagine at that price you're talking "peak value".
> I'm not an expert on technology but I've been playing with surround-sound
> for 6 years or more now and - for the amount of money quoted here - you'd
> get far better value out of a stereo or 2.1 speaker system as far as audio
> phile sound is concerned than you'll get out of a 5.1 set at this price.
> But at the end of the day of course? Well its all down to the user, use
> you like and if you're happy? Well the rest of us can be damned!<smile>.
> On 10/11/2011, at 3:31 PM, Sunshine wrote:
>> another great buy for speakers are the benwin 5.1 speaker systems.
>> The sub is a down firing one that stands either on a desk or shelf, you
>> could also put it on a floor. the sats. are five of them the front two
> have
>> 15 feet of speaker whire per speaker so does the center channel.
>> the rear speakers have 25 feet of speaker whire per speaker.
>> the speakers are flat pannel, full range speakers.
>> total out put power isanywhere from 680 wats of total power or 1000 wats
> of
>> total power, the remote can control volume and speaker ajustments. these
>> speakers can be used for computers, tvs, stereo recivers, portable
> devices.
>> sound quality is simply amazing.
>> set up only takes under 5 minutes.
>> the company will also walk you through how to hook up the speakers for
>> simulated surround sound or true 5.1 surround sound.
>> the speakers cost 150 dollars us and are well above any speakers i have
>> heard in this price range.
>> base response deffinitly will shake the glass in the room.
>> if anyone wants the url for them it is
>> or google benwin. I can also give you the phone number to call if you
> would
>> like to speakto them, they also told me they are working on a 7.1 system
> as
>> well.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Dane Trethowan"<>
>> To: "PC Audio Discussion List"<>
>> Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2011 9:58 PM
>> Subject: Computer Speakers
>> Hi!
>> I've been on this list for what.. 10 years now? Well however long its
>> one of the most often asked questions pertains to a good set of computer
>> speakers, I just bought a pair of Altec Lansing Expressions Plus speakers
> so
>> I'll summarise my findings on them for anyone interested in purchasing a
>> reasonable speaker system for their PC.
>> To put it bluntly these speakers are excellent value given that they're
>> priced for under $100.00.  The system consists of 3 speakers, 2
>> and a bass woofer, all the circuitry for the system is in the woofer
>> I've not sen a woofer design such as this, its a cone shape and is
> designed
>> to sit on a desk or a shelf rather than the floor.  This is the first
>> speaker system where I've seen a bass adjustment on the woofer, extremely
>> handy I must say if you're wanting to do a little "midnight blasting" and
>> you don't want to wake the neighbours or you have the woofer sitting next
> to
>> you on your desktop.
>> I like the sound of this system, bass is at a level which arouses the
>> interest of a pair of ears but its not over baring as some cheaper
>> systems are, certainly the Logitech system I had was dreadful in this
>> regard.
>> Mid range and top frequencies are very pronounced and perhaps the mid
> range
>> too much so.
>> In short, don't buy the $20.00 pair of speakers, save your money and buy
>> this pair and you'll be well pleased.
>> If you want to further fine tune your listening experience through a 2.1
>> channel speaker system then take your ears up to the top Altec Lansing
> model
>> in the 2.1 range which is the "Expressions Ultra", more about this
> shortly.
>> You can read a detailed review of the Altec Lansing Expressions Plus
>> Speakers on my blog at which will be
>> available shortly.
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Dane Trethowan
 From Melton Victoria Australia
skype callto:grtdane12

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