Have you ever tried to use "god mode" idea on your Windows 7 machine? I
found it useful to the degree for my needs. It is definitely easier to get
to a lot of configuration components of your operating system using this.

-----Original Message-----
From: pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org]
On Behalf Of Dave Scrimenti
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 1:49 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: recording sound without the screen reader coming through?

I have no problem with sound management in XP. But if Microsoft doesn't fix
the problems it created in Vista and 7, I may switch to, or at least add a
Mac. I can't stick with XP forever. Although i know many people stuck with
OS 9 practically forever because there was no ProTools support in OS X. In
fact, no screen reader support at all in OS X for years and years. I don't
want to be in that same position with XP.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dane Trethowan" <grtd...@internode.on.net>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 3:59 AM
Subject: Re: recording sound without the screen reader coming through?

>I have already answered the question in my first post actually so no, 
>the question wasn't ignored so I'll repeat what I've already said and 
>I'll explain a a little further so as to avoid any further confusion
> Yes, by default a Mac can certainly capture and record sources without 
> Voiceover interfering so in other words you can run your Screen reader 
> without any fear of it conflicting with any incoming software streams.
> The process of "Capturing" is known in the Mac world commonly as 
> "Hijacking" but both terms pretty much mean the same thing.
> I use a piece of software here called Audio Hijack Pro which pretty 
> much does everything that Total Recorder does, only thing it won't do 
> is edit audio files but it can be integrated with an audio editor on the
> You can "hijack" as many sources as you need at once and you can even 
> "Mix" those sources together if you want to, this makes software such 
> as Skype easy to monitor for example, I know people in call centres 
> who use a Mac with Audio Hijack Pro and Skype, using some simple Apple 
> scripts running with Audio Hijack Pro, they can monitor the call plus 
> log information regarding the call, say date and time, length of call 
> etc but I'm rambling.
> On 19/09/2011, at 5:52 PM, Dave Scrimenti wrote:
>> Since the response contained no answer to the simple question asked, 
>> I'll try again. Also, remember the subject of this thread is:
>> "recording sound without the screen reader coming through."
>> With that in mind, can you record a stream on a Mac without recording 
>> Voiceover, or do you need to use 2 sound cards?
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dane Trethowan" 
>> <grtd...@internode.on.net>
>> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>> Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 2:25 AM
>> Subject: Re: recording sound without the screen reader coming through?
>>> Depends on how you look at it, from my own personal experience - and 
>>> I expect 99% people to disagree with me as they've probably never 
>>> laid a hand on a Mac let alone record audio/video on one - the Mac 
>>> presents a far better alternative to recording all round than does 
>>> the Windows PC these days and I won't bother arguing the why's and 
>>> the wherefore's here but I will say that I've been using my Mac 
>>> machines for 5 years and PC's for longer, I use both and both 
>>> systems have good and bad points but if you're looking at audio? 
>>> Well the Mac thrashes the PC quite frankly as far as accessible 
>>> recording software goes and recording software that actually and
successfully does what its designed to do.
>>> As stated, its not the fault of the people at High Criteria, they've 
>>> done their level best with Total Recorder and associated products 
>>> and no doubt about it! Total Recorder is a fine piece of software, 
>>> those who read the list will in fact know that Total Recorder is one 
>>> of those tools I have in my Audio Toolbox when using a PC.
>>> On 19/09/2011, at 4:12 PM, Dave Scrimenti wrote:
>>>> Well, that's a very expensive solution to a problem he could solve 
>>>> with a $20 sound card. And I'll mention again, XP doesn't have these
>>>> But just to be clear, you can record a stream, and still use 
>>>> Voiceover without getting Voiceover in the recording. Is that right?
>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dane Trethowan" 
>>>> <grtd...@internode.on.net>
>>>> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>>> Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 1:11 AM
>>>> Subject: Re: recording sound without the screen reader coming through?
>>>>> Recording and Audio capture issues are some of the very reasons 
>>>>> why I switched to a Mac for this sort of thing as the management 
>>>>> of audio is far better, easier to capture sound from another piece 
>>>>> of software, device etc.
>>>>> On 19/09/2011, at 3:08 PM, Dave Bahr wrote:
>>>>>> yeah that's what i figured. I have a plan, it's kinda crude but 
>>>>>> it will work. I'm going to get the stream going and then the 
>>>>>> recorder, or the reverse it really doesn't matter, then I'm going 
>>>>>> to exit my screen reader and leave the stream recording, setting 
>>>>>> goldwave to record for 2 hours and 3 minutes, the archived stream 
>>>>>> is 2 hours long. It's not ideal, i know, because the quality 
>>>>>> isn't going to be perfect, but the music will be there. The site 
>>>>>> I want to record from has changed their archiving method from 
>>>>>> windows media .asx playlist files to what looks like an embeded 
>>>>>> javascript player. I have firefox and so far haven't found 
>>>>>> anything that can record an audio stream just in firefox. there's 
>>>>>> this freecorder add on that I installed but it doesn't look 
>>>>>> accessible. any thoughts on this? again, it's a crude plan but I 
>>>>>> don't know enough java, I know no java programming, I just looked at
the source of the page of the media player.
>>>>>> Dave c. bahr
>>>>>> On 9/18/2011 10:04 PM, Dave Scrimenti wrote:
>>>>>>> In XP, this is very easy to do. But starting with Vista, and 
>>>>>>> continuing with 7, Microsoft screwed up the way Windows 
>>>>>>> processes sound so Total Recorder can no longer separate out the 
>>>>>>> screen reader from the stream you want to record. The only way 
>>>>>>> is to use background recording, which only works with some 
>>>>>>> streams, or use one sound card for your screen reader, and a 2nd 
>>>>>>> sound card for recording. . ----- Original Message ----- From: 
>>>>>>> "Dave Bahr" <dcba...@gmail.com> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" 
>>>>>>> <pc-audio@pc-audio.org> Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2011 11:15 
>>>>>>> PM Subject: recording sound without the screen reader coming 
>>>>>>> through?
>>>>>>> > Hi, I know this has been asked before but is there any way to 
>>>>>>> > record a sound without hearing the screen reader? I have this 
>>>>>>> > internet radio stream that I want to record but when I select 
>>>>>>> > my soundcard it always just gets the reader and not the sound 
>>>>>>> > source I want, this is in total recorder. I can't find a way 
>>>>>>> > to do it, running windows 7 64 bit with demo of total 
>>>>>>> > recorder.
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > --
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Dave c. bahr
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
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