Most thinking people understand both sides of this issue and will do what
they choose to do in the end so could we please drop it!


-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Frank Ventura
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 12:13 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: RE: It's Still Stealing

Are you accusing me (or anyone else on this list) of copying books? 

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Robert doc Wright
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 10:54 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: It's Still Stealing

i am quite sure that if your library knew that you were copying whole books
that you borrowed from them they would address that issue with you.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Frank Ventura" <>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 7:42 AM
Subject: RE: It's Still Stealing

> That is where you are wrong. There are many folks whom have made very 
> handsome profits from BARD. Those players don't just fall from the sky 
> you know. They cost money to make and design and that is profit for 
> someone. Also the very existence of BARD is, and has always, been to 
> provide paid positions for some very connected blind folks. Think
> it. Why do we even need our own system of libraries? Hundreds of 
> thousands of local lending libraries throughout the US provide a range 
> of print, audio, visual, and electronic media to lend to the masses 
> every day without the same knee jerk concerns of copyright violation.
> You can just as easily go to your local library and photocopy a book, 
> dub a audio tape or copy an overdrive book. Does the government think 
> blind folks are more predispositioned to piracy than ordinary folks, 
> that we need such extreme measures that the rest of our culture does 
> not? There is no reason why our nations infrastructure of lending 
> libraries could not be the venues for electronic media not just for
> sighted but blind alike but that would take payola out of the pockets
> quite a few blind folks now wouldn't it? Yes folks you cannot leave 
> profit out of this conversation, sad to say.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Christopher
> Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 2:16 AM
> To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
> Subject: RE: It's Still Stealing
> The reason in my mind is that you are signing up for a service
> by
> the US government. This service is free of charge, and you are
> to
> it's terms when you sign up for it. The law enabling this service aims 
> to provide material free to the blind while protecting the rights of 
> the publishers. This program is intended for all blind citizens of the 
> US and not just those with PC's. This is not a business or profit 
> making venture, but is paid for by tax dollars, of which I'm a tax 
> payer. Your
> to
> Sony and Apple just don't apply. Even though we have the luxury of 
> keeping the books around and playing them on multiple players, it 
> doesn't
> the
> fact that this is a library, and we're borrowing these books.
> BTW, there is no way to listen to these books on a PC. You need a
> provided for free by the NLS or you can purchase several different
> players.
> --
> Christopher
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []
> On Behalf Of James Homuth
> Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2010 6:48 PM
> To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
> Subject: RE: It's Still Stealing
> Kevin, the point is this. Why should you, after obtaining the NLS
> have to go and get one of the NLS approved players just to enjoy the 
> privelege of being able to listen to the book while not at the
> That would be like Soni putting out an album with copy protection that 
> limitted what you could play it on to CD players manufactured by Soni.
> Soni
> already tried the whole copy protection to prevent people from putting 
> the contents of CD's on their computers, or copying them to other 
> CD's. A pretty high-profile lawsuit later, they don't do that anymore. 
> Apple tried to say you could only put music you purchased from iTunes 
> on your iPod. You couldn't burn that to CD, or play it in anything 
> else that wasn't
> your iPod or iTunes. Specificly, the version of iTunes on the computer 
> to which it was downloaded. Without getting into the nitty gritty
> let's just say they don't do that anymore either. The same applies to 
> NLS.
> The only reason it hasn't changed yet is because there's no reason for 
> them to, according to them. Hence, people will continue to break the 
> copy protection anyway.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []
> On Behalf Of Kevin Minor
> Sent: April 18, 2010 6:02 PM
> To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
> Subject: RE: It's Still Stealing
> Hi John and list.
> I'm going to comment on several messages that I've seen on this topic.
> First, John, I wonder if your direct boss is the owner of the station.
> If
> he is, the station may get into trouble if publishers find out he is 
> allowing material sent to the station is being copied.  This material
> specificly for the use of the station.  In fact, I'm not sure if the 
> owner of the CD actually owns the music.  With software, you are 
> licensed to use the software.  You don't own the copy you use, you 
> just have a license for it.  I'm not blaming you for copying the CD's.  
> Just be aware that the station could be in legal trouble if 
> investigated.
> As for using VCR's or  tape recorders, this has been a debate that the 
> publishers of material have had with people for years.  I don't know
> legal wording, but I believe that courts have ruled that so long as
> use
> the material you obtain from over the air, you have the right to use
> for
> your own private use.  This also holds for albums you buy.  If you 
> decide to make a compilation CD for a friend, technicly you're 
> breaking the law.
> I'm
> guilty of doing this myself.  I'm not getting anything for what I do 
> either, but that doesn't make what I do legal.
> As for recording material over a computer, there has been a product 
> cease production precisely because of this, and it made many blind 
> people
> XM
> had a great device called a PCR.  You'd hook the antenna to it, run a 
> cable from it to either the line in jack of your sound card or stereo, 
> and hook it up to your computer with a USB cable.  The software that 
> came with it displayed the channel you were on, as well as the title 
> and artist of the song being played.  Unfortunately, someone figured 
> out how to convert the audio into labeled mp3 files.  I say 
> unfortunately, because the RIAA learned about this and threated to sue 
> XM.  The product no longer was made.  I did get lucky and purchased 
> one of these.  It's not the most accessible piece of equipment with a 
> screen reader, but you can view the title of the song that is being 
> played, as well as easily switch channels by entering their number.
> Now for my comments on BARD, which I'll call NLS.  First, it's not
> that
> you have to buy a player to listen to NLS books.  Your local library
> provide you with a free player to play this content.  It not only
> content, but mp3 files, as well as some other standard audio file 
> formats.
> It's true that you can't play things like books from Audible, but you 
> can't beat the price of either the player or the books you can 
> download.
> true that the books are in a protected form, but I personally don't
> a
> problem with this.
> Finally, we could have limitless arguments on what publishers should
> for
> their work, how they protect it, and ways to circumvent these
> schemes.  In short, if someone copy protects something, someone will 
> find a way to crack it.  As for NLS, I think it's sad that it's 
> limited to
> citizens, but I understand why.
> Have a good day, and don't work too hard.
> Kevin Minor
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