Interesting comments Michael, as always. Personally, I am not a fan of mini-jack interfaces, though I know well that they suit computer users.
If I find out more, re. whether the Fostex does have a pause facility, I'll let the list know. Very interesting the stored config info for the marantz and its an eligant way of getting around, well partially, the inaccessability of the menu system. Who knows whether some of the current short comings might not be addressed in firmware upgrades. Cheers, >From Ray I can be contacted off-list at: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -----Original Message----- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Michael Lang Ray, you wrote: > Wonder if I might ask Michael, do you intend doing a podcast about the > Sony ICD-SX67? It sounds an interesting recorder. I'm not planning to do that. In the U.S., only the 256k version, the ICD-SX57 is available BTW. It still would be a great radio talkshow recorder. > I think a good comparative review would be useful now, especially if > and when someone gets their hands on the new Marantz portable > recorder. It's quite similar to the Edirol R-09, but one cannot fast forward and rewind with sound quickly with the Marantz. The speaker is like the one in the Stream, quite weak, but better than nothing. One can store all the settings of the recorder onto an SD card, edit the stored text file and then load it back into the recorder. However unlike the Edirol, the Marantz doesn'T have switches for rec level control, lowcut and so on. I'll append a config file for the PMD620 to this message. > Interesting that no one has made any mention of the Fostex FR2 LE. I prefer recorders with minijack mic input sockets. Also, I'm not sure, whether the Fostex offers a record pause feature. <*** Michael Lang ***> Here's the file 620PRESET-CFG from the PMD620: [Preset-1] Input=AUTO Rec Format=MP3_M Rec Channel=Stereo Input Jack=Stereo Sample Rate=44.1k Manual Track=On Auto Track=Off Silent Skip=Off Level Control=ALC Mic Attenuator=0dB Low Cut=Off Mic Power=Off Level LED=-12 Skip Back=3 File Sort=Time/Date Date Form=D/M/Y Font Size=Small Auto Power Off=On Battery=Alkaline Key Lock=All LED=On Brightness=5 [Preset-2] Input=AUTO Rec Format=MP3_H Rec Channel=Stereo Input Jack=Stereo Sample Rate=44.1k Manual Track=On Auto Track=Off Silent Skip=Off Level Control=MANUAL Mic Attenuator=0dB Low Cut=Off Mic Power=Off Level LED=-6 Skip Back=3 File Sort=Time/Date Date Form=M/D/Y Font Size=Small Auto Power Off=On Battery=Alkaline Key Lock=All LED=On Brightness=5 [Preset-3] Input=AUTO Rec Format=PCM_24 Rec Channel=Stereo Input Jack=Stereo Sample Rate=48k Manual Track=On Auto Track=Off Silent Skip=Off Level Control=MANUAL Mic Attenuator=0dB Low Cut=Off Mic Power=Off Level LED=-6 Skip Back=3 File Sort=Time/Date Date Form=M/D/Y Font Size=Small Auto Power Off=On Battery=Alkaline Key Lock=All LED=On Brightness=5 [Common] Machine ID=1 A1.00 Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]