Yes, but you should know that if you plan on reading digital books from NLS 
on a Stream that most books come in at over 100 MB per book.  So, you really 
need at least a 1 gigabyte card to get much on it.  But, you can probably 
find 1 gigabyte SD cards for less than $20 at the neighborhood Wallgreens 
Drug store or about any place you can think of that sells memory cards.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dane Trethowan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2007 9:44 AM
Subject: Re: for those who have the victor reader

> Yep, that is a bit surprising, I mean 64 meg cards for example aren't
> exactly what one would call expensive are they.
> Now can someone tell us more about the reader as I'm thinking of
> getting myself one next year, what formats does it record in? Does the
> reader have a line-in jack or facility? At present I have my mind set
> on either the Zoom h2 or h4 recorder but if there's something a little
> more accessible out there then I'd be interested to hear about it, the
> Zoom doesn't have synthesized speech or anything but there are plenty
> of blind people out there using them as evidenced from the reviews on
> them at
> On 09/12/2007, at 2:17 AM, Dave McLean wrote:
>> Yes there is a tutorial on the cd that comes with the unit. The unit
>> is also
>> very easy to use so I think you will pick it up quickly.
>> I will warn you the unit doesn't come with a card so you will have
>> to buy
>> one.
>> I just bought 2 four gig s d cards from J & R for $29 each so they
>> aren't
>> expensive.
>> It was a surprise to me though when the unit came and there was no
>> card in
>> it.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Joanne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
>> Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2007 9:00 AM
>> Subject: for those who have the victor reader
>>> Haven't been following threads on this because I didn't have one,
>>> but I'm
>>> getting one soon and need to know some things about it.  First,
>>> will this
>>> come with accessible instructions?  Second, is there a tutorial on it
>>> somewhere so I can learn in detail what to do and how to operate
>>> it?  If
>>> not then I'll have lots of questions for the group (smile), but just
>>> wondered if there's a good tutorial.  And if someone can tell me
>>> this, how
>>> much music or about how many gigs is on the SD card provided?
>>> Thanks.
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