
I've been looking online at the Snowman's scripts for SoundForge.

I have jaws 5 on my computer. I'm aware it has some scripts for soundforge 
that came from freedom scientific. I'd like to know if they are the same 
ones that the snowman made? Did he make them for freedom scientific? Or are 
they better?

I have real problems when running those freedom scientific scripts; it makes 
soundforge unusable and I end up having to reboot. It's ok for a while, but 
then windows error noises kick in and eventually jaws unloads itself.

Also. I want to buy the soundforge scripts for soundforge 4.5 for jaws 5 
because I have some urgent editing work to do.

How does it work? Will i get them immediately from the snowman in an 
automated way? Or will i have to wait a few days?


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