are you using a single channel sound card?
if so that might count for the studdering/ and the break up and stopping of 
the recording process.
if you want to try a different aproach, do the following,
1. do insert f 2 and choos configuration mannager
2. after you enter on the config do control shift d
3.  do alt s and then down arrow to synthizer and press enter tab over to 
the check box that says allow wave files with software speech and make sure 
it is checked. tab over to ok and press enter
4. now either do alt f 4 and say yes to save the changes or do control s and 
that also should save the changes
let us know if this works for you.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Damon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <>
Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2007 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: Sounforge jaws scripts

> thanks for mailing back. Just to clarify, I am using FS scripts not
> snowbarger scripts.
> This afternoon, however, I'm discovering that my problem isn't script
> related. I've deleted the original FS scripts yet the system problems
> remain.
>>From time to time the audio stumbles, a Windows Ding sound occurs and
> manipulating the file becomes a very very slow process because the 
> computer
> doesn't seem to be able to deal with it properly. I've had this problem a
> few years now ... and just struggled through it with no one really able to
> tell me what might be going on.
> It seems that the audio starts to stutter and be badly handleable 
> especially
> after I've done some edits. Also, when recording, jumps occur - or rather
> the recording appears to stop and start so that when you playback there 
> are
> 2 second jumps in the audio.
> I've no idea what's going on. I've got such a lot of editing work to do 
> this
> weekend I'm tearing my hair out. I had thought the solution might be to 
> gget
> new scripts from the snowman but it seems now these problems are 
> definitely
> within my computer and nothing to do with the scripts I've been running.
> Once again, this afternoon, the ding appears again and again then jaws
> eventually unloads itself after a lot of stuttering in the audio playback.
> But once jaws is turned off entirely, scripts or no scripts, the 
> soundforge
> software seems to work pretty well.
> So I'm having a clash between jaws and soundforge.
> Could this be a memory issue? If anyone has any suggestions I'd appreciate
> them. Are there some settings I could alter in soundforge regarding memory
> perhaps? Or in my system?
> ...Damon
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Dave Marthouse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <>
> Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2007 4:41 PM
> Subject: Re: Sounforge jaws scripts
>> The FreedonScientific scripts are for SoundForge version 4.5.  The
>> Snowbarger scripts work with all other versions of the program.  Make 
>> sure
>> you are using the correct version for the proper SF build.  I use the
>> Snowbarger scripts at home and at the office and they work extremely 
>> well.
>> I'm surprised that you are having difficulty.
>> Dave Marthouse
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