
You really don't want to do that!
Since there is no hardware involved, you get no anti-aliasing. So,
unless you only want everything to come out at 11,025 khz, you'll get
tons of aliasing over the virtual cable.
Plus, you'll lose a good deal of responsiveness by using a software
synth over a virtual cable.

BTW, I bought Virtual Audio Cable 4.01 because I needed it for a rather
strange remote broadcast solution when Iwas in Portland, and I find it quite 
useful for a lot
of things.
For example, I am actually using Virtual Audio Cable to supply the audio
for FX Radio, so I don't have to tie up any hardware.

My laptop sound card is a complete piece of crap, and it doesn't like
quickly changing sampling rates, or wave devices that open and close
very quickly, I.E. software speech. So, until I can find either a better
Connexant driver, or a better solution to do this, I'm basically using
one instance of Audio Repeater and a virtual cable as a sampling rate
ankor to keep the card from going down to 11,025 khz every time software
speech is used.

I wish there was a very simple program that would just keep the wave
device open, which could be started as a service, and which wouldn't get
in the way. I also wish Connexant chipsets didn't suck, but oh well, you
can't have everything.

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