My view is that the challenge of figuring out the DVD is half the fun. 


Bruce Toews
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On Wed, 4 Jan 2006, Karl Smith wrote:

> I have gotten so irritated by the variations in DVD format and my inability
> to get any kind of common hold on how my DVD player works I have turned to
> watching them on my PC.  At least this way JAWS will read the menus and I
> can eventually figure out where I want to go.
> Karl
> ____________________
> Karl Smith
> Access Technology Specialist
> Axis
> 4304 South El Camino St.
> Taylorsville, Utah 84119
> Phone:  866-824-7885
> Fax:    866-824-7885
> No one will ever go broke underestimating the intelligence of the human
> race.
>   - H. L. Menkin
> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of Raul A. Gallegos
> Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 6:41 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: User friendly DVD payer
> Hash: SHA1
> As mentioned before that depends on the dvd itself. I'll give a perfect
> example of two different tv series which have a completely different
> structure. First is Friends. The way all ten seasons are set up is just the
> way you would like. You start the dvd, press play once and the first episode
> starts. If you press the forward button you go to the next episode, and so
> on and so forth. The reason this works this way is because what they did is
> make all six episodes on each dvd one large movie for simple terms. Each
> episode then is basically like a chapter in that movie. What they then did
> is take each separate episode and put it on the dvd as well a second time as
> individual chapters so in essence, each episode is on there twice. One as
> part of all six episodes together and two as separate episodes. I believe
> the reason they did this was so that one could either continuously play all
> episodes back to back using the first method or so one could play one
> episode at a time using the second method. I still have not figured out how
> to use the second method but I have not really tried as using the first
> method has worked well for me.
> Now onto the second example of tv dvd structure. I use Star Trek Deep Space
> Nine series for this. When you start the dvd you are presented with what is
> called the main menu for simple terms. This main menu just has four options.
> Each option is an episode name as there are usually four episodes per dvd.
> With most newer dvd players simply pressing the number on the keypad and
> then pressing menu or play will activate that menu item. So if I wanted to
> watch episode 3 on the dvd I'd press the number 3 on the keypad and then
> play. This then loads episode 3 and takes me to the episode menu. This one
> is similar to the first menu one sees on a regular movie dvd. It has play,
> language, setup, scene selections, etc, and lastly, return to main menu. On
> most Star Trek dvds this is option 4 so to return to the main menu showing
> the four episodes I press 4 on the keypad and then play. While in this
> episode menu I can press 1 and then play or just play by itself and the
> episode starts playing. While watching this episode it has chapters which
> can be moved to by pressing the forward button, I can also use the backward
> button to go to previous chapters within this episode only.
> I hope all this makes sense.
> joanne said the following on Wed, Jan 04, 2006 at 07:24:39AM -0500:
>> Raul and others:  what Terri and I are both wanting is a DVD player
>> that would be easy to use as far as going between episodes on, say, a
>> TV series DVD or one like this with different chapters or episodes.
>> With the Sony Raul mentions, I'm wondering if, by pressing the forward
>> button on the player (not using the remote) will this take you to the
>> next episode and will the back button take you to the previous?  While
>> you may think this a silly question, I'm asking specifically because
>> my daughters have DVD players and they use these complicated menus to
>> go to a chosen episode and they tell me you have to use arrow keys on
>> the menus to find episodes and not just hitting a forward or rewind
>> button as you do with CD players.  I know DVD's are formatted
>> different from CD's, but we're hoping we can simply use a forward or
>> backup button without having to use menus or a remote to go to
>> different episodes, and so far the ones I've seen don't seem to allow
>> this type of ease when changing to a new show on the DVD.  Not really
>> understanding how DVD's are formatted, didn't know if it was possible to
> simply forward and back up with the same ease you have with a CD player.
>> Hope someone can help.
> - --
> That's always the way when you discover something new; everyone thinks
> you're crazy.
>               -- Evelyn E. Smith
> Raul A. Gallegos ... IliwSsmc
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> =Eazq
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