Raul and others:  what Terri and I are both wanting is a DVD player that 
would be easy to use as far as going between episodes on, say, a TV series 
DVD or one like this with different chapters or episodes.  With the Sony 
Raul mentions, I'm wondering if, by pressing the forward button on the 
player (not using the remote) will this take you to the next episode and 
will the back button take you to the previous?  While you may think this a 
silly question, I'm asking specifically because my daughters have DVD 
players and they use these complicated menus to go to a chosen episode and 
they tell me you have to use arrow keys on the menus to find episodes and 
not just hitting a forward or rewind button as you do with CD players.  I 
know DVD's are formatted different from CD's, but we're hoping we can simply 
use a forward or backup button without having to use menus or a remote to go 
to different episodes, and so far the ones I've seen don't seem to allow 
this type of ease when changing to a new show on the DVD.  Not really 
understanding how DVD's are formatted, didn't know if it was possible to 
simply forward and back up with the same ease you have with a CD player. 
Hope someone can help. 

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