I believe you've got to scroll to the otp of the window. It needs to show 
that information in the titlebar.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "russell Bourgoin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <Pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2005 22:19
Subject: Re: Playing XM Radio Online

> Hi,
>         I can get xmradio to play, but I can't find out the name of
> the tune that's playing.  How do you find this info?  Thanks, in advance.
> Rusty
> > At 07:43 PM 9/17/2005, Chris Skarstad spake thusly:-
>>Not having any difficulties here.  Here's how I do it so maybe this will
>>help. I went to
>>   and logged in with my e-mail address and password.
>>Next I clicked on the link that says,  images/listen now
>>When that happens, a new browser window comes up.  From there, at the top
>>of the page, i pressed enter on the very first link that says xm channels.
>>Next, I was able to press the e key which brings you to the quick tune 
>>box and I just typed in a channel number, 22 for example. then I pressed
>>enter and in a few seconds the station started playing, no problems.
>>note that you can also arrow down the page and when you're focused on a
>>channel number, it's considered a link even though JAWS doesn't report it
>>as one.  But if you press enter on a channel number in the list, you can
>>also get the stations to play that way as well. if you still can't get the
>>stations to play, you may not have windows media player 10 installed. I
>>believe xm radio online needs to have either version 9 or 10 installed for
>>it to work.
>>    I clicked on the link that says, At 08:41 AM 9/17/2005, you wrote:
>> >Can anyone tell us if something has changed in listening to XM radio on
>> >line? m We can see the tunes but can't get the stations to play.
>> >
>> >We are using JFW 6.0 on a Dell machine running Windows XP.
>> >
>> >Darla
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >Darla J. Rogers B.S. Social Science M.A. Rehabilitation Counselor 
>> >Education
>> >Albany, GA
>> >A closed mind gathers no intelligence.--Anonymous
>> >
>> >
>> >
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