The only addition I would make is that I find it necessary, at least when using 
Jaws with the XM online player, to use the Insert+Escape command to update the 
screen to reflect the correct title and artist information every time the song 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Chris Skarstad 
  To: PC audio discussion list. 
  Sent: Monday, September 19, 2005 10:18 AM
  Subject: Re: Playing XM Radio Online

  This information is very easy to find.  Now remember folks, this is for the 
  *online* version of the player only.

  When you log in,look near the top of the page. There's a link  that says 
  "what's on now", so press enter on that.  Now at first glance it's going to 
  look like that didn't do any good, but arrow down until you see each 
  individual channel listing.  Below the channel name, you'll see the current 
  song like this:
  THE 50s
  The Four Coins
  Add channel 5 to your Presets
  THE 60s
  Sam Cooke
  Good Times
  Add channel 6 to your Presets
  THE 70s
  Love Is Like Oxygen
    and so on. and obviously if you'd like to add a channel to your presets 
  you would press the appropriate link. and there's a presets link near the 
  top of the page as well.  Just do a bit of exploring and experimentation. 
  All the info is right there if you're willing to do a bit of looking around.

    At 09:19 PM 9/18/2005, you wrote:
  >          I can get xmradio to play, but I can't find out the name of
  >the tune that's playing.  How do you find this info?  Thanks, in advance.
  >  > At 07:43 PM 9/17/2005, Chris Skarstad spake thusly:-
  > >Not having any difficulties here.  Here's how I do it so maybe this will
  > >help. I went to
  > >
  > >   and logged in with my e-mail address and password.
  > >
  > >Next I clicked on the link that says,  images/listen now
  > >When that happens, a new browser window comes up.  From there, at the top
  > >of the page, i pressed enter on the very first link that says xm channels.
  > >Next, I was able to press the e key which brings you to the quick tune edit
  > >box and I just typed in a channel number, 22 for example. then I pressed
  > >enter and in a few seconds the station started playing, no problems.
  > >note that you can also arrow down the page and when you're focused on a
  > >channel number, it's considered a link even though JAWS doesn't report it
  > >as one.  But if you press enter on a channel number in the list, you can
  > >also get the stations to play that way as well. if you still can't get the
  > >stations to play, you may not have windows media player 10 installed. I
  > >believe xm radio online needs to have either version 9 or 10 installed for
  > >it to work.
  > >
  > >
  > >    I clicked on the link that says, At 08:41 AM 9/17/2005, you wrote:
  > > >Can anyone tell us if something has changed in listening to XM radio on
  > > >line? m We can see the tunes but can't get the stations to play.
  > > >
  > > >We are using JFW 6.0 on a Dell machine running Windows XP.
  > > >
  > > >Darla
  > > >
  > > >
  > > >
  > > >Darla J. Rogers B.S. Social Science M.A. Rehabilitation Counselor 
  > Education
  > > >Albany, GA
  > > >A closed mind gathers no intelligence.--Anonymous
  > > >
  > > >
  > > >
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