I'd check at outpost.com for them as you can get some excellent prices. I
have a set of creative labs speakers and these have a volume control that
is on the end of a wire and sits on my desk. This is a 3 piece set with 2
tweeters on the desk and a sub woofer on the floor. I've always been happy
with these and I only paid probably 30 bucks or so.

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On 12/5/2004 at 6:24 PM Bruce Toews wrote:

>Does anyone have a recommendation for a good set of computer speakers? I 
>don't want surround sound or subwoofers, I just want good old fashioned 
>stereo speakers, though I'll take a subwoofer if that's so much the norm 
>now. I have a set of Yomaha speakers that I purchased around five or six 
>years ago that, until now, worked wonderfully, and had really good sound 
>for their size: good solid bass but not overpowering, with good treble as 
>I need a volume control on the speaker, as well as an external headphone 
>Bruce Toews
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