i i got a really good pair of speakers from radio shack and i also got one from best buy i do beliebve and it works great ad they both have a head phone jack and vollume coltrol at the top of the speaker and they both ahave a battery compartment for batteries if you didnt' want to plug them in.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Bruce Toews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 6:24 PM
Subject: Any Recommendation for New Computer Speakers?

Does anyone have a recommendation for a good set of computer speakers? I don't want surround sound or subwoofers, I just want good old fashioned stereo speakers, though I'll take a subwoofer if that's so much the norm now. I have a set of Yomaha speakers that I purchased around five or six years ago that, until now, worked wonderfully, and had really good sound for their size: good solid bass but not overpowering, with good treble as well.

I need a volume control on the speaker, as well as an external headphone jack.

Bruce Toews
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