Hi, chris. I think, if I'm correct, the program searches for any audio content on the dvd and maikes it available for ripping. So, to answer your question, yes, you can easily rip those commentaries to mp3s.

ShaneAt 12:49 AM 4/7/2004, you wrote:

Hi David! Well hot damn if that didn't do the trick!! if I ever make it over to your neck of the woods man, the beer is on me. smile.
Thanks. Ok, one more question for you guys. I know some dvds have commentaries on some movies and certain show episodes. is it possible to find these on the dvd and convert them to an mp3 or is it just something that you have to listen to and enjoy while you watch the dvd in your own player? Just curious as I'd love to get some of the commentaries as well.
Thanks again David, this rocks!

At 12:26 AM 4/7/2004, you wrote:
Hi Chris,

You can do this easily.  Just find the ComboBox labelled "volume size" and
change it to custom time then shift+tab once and you will find a settings
button, then type in desired time.  I put 360 minutes as I know it would be
unlikely that a dvd feature such as a movie would exceed 6 hours.

David Truong

E-mail and MS messenger: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Home Page: http://members.optusnet.com.au/davidtruong/

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Chris Skarstad
Sent: Wednesday, 7 April 2004 2:52 PM
Subject: ImToo DVD Audio Ripper and the way files are created

Hi guys I just purchased a copy of ImToo DVD Audio Ripper v1.0.18 and it rocks. For those of you who don't know, this program takes the soundtrack from a dvd and converts it to an mp3 or a wav file so you can burn it onto a cd or listen to it on your computer. It's really easy to use and most things about the program are standard, but I've only got one little problem and I'm wondering if there's a way to do what I want. I've got a box set of a tv series called The Critic, and each show lasts approximately 25 minutes, give or take.

What I'd like to do is have each show be it's own mp3 rather than having 6
or 7 files per show. I could put them into sound forge and join them all
together but that's an arduous process and I'd really rather not do that if
I can avoid it.  In the program there's a volume size combo box, and it has
3 choices.  Chapters which I tried and didn't like, 5 mb, and custom time 6
  I thought of using the custom time choice but if there's an edit box to
show how long to make each file, i can't seem to locate it.  Also, this
program has a rather odd menu bar type of thing. there's different buttons
like file, tools, settings and help, but when I try clicking on them,
nothing seems to happen. Anyone have any idea about how to solve this? Like
I said, I'd  much rather have each individual show be it's own file rather
than have 6 or 7 files per show and I'd really rather not spend all that
time putting them together.  Thanks for any help you guys can give on or
off list as well.

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