The ones written by me aren't available on the net.  They are only for my
own use due to the fact I haven't bothered packaging them up yet.  They work
well for me but at this stage I couldn't guarantee their use on other
computers so I won't release them.

David Truong

E-mail and MS messenger:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Home Page:  http://members.optusnet.com.au/davidtruong/
-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Shane Christenson
Sent: Thursday, 8 April 2004 2:35 PM
To: PC audio discussion list. 
Subject: RE: ImToo DVD Audio Ripper and the way files are created

Hi, David. Where can we get the scripts?

At 01:13 AM 4/7/2004, you wrote:

>HI Chris,
>Yes, you can get every bit of audio there is to be found on the dvd if 
>you really are prepared to be patient and rip every index associated 
>with the title.  Basically it goes like this!  If say you have 5 
>programs on a dvd, each one will be listed as a title so you will have 
>five titles.  Now under each title will be other pieces of audio which 
>are placed what are known to dvd audio ripper as indexes.  So each 
>program for example (each title) could have 5 episodes (5 indexes).  
>DVD audio ripper allows one to batch process all of the titles but only 
>one index will be ripped with each title.  In other words, in our 
>example above, each program (title) has 5 episodes
>(indexes) under each title totalling 25 pieces of audio.  This means, dvd
>audio ripper will only allow you to rip 5 of these audio pieces at a time.
>You have to repeat the ripping process to get all of the audio.  Oh and be
>sure to rename your files after each rip so you don't get the overwrite
>prompt.  You usually repeat the process by focusing on the title of choice
>say title1 then tab over to index and change the number by moving your down
>arrow key.  This will automatically focus you back on the title list and
>then you can navigate to title2 and do the same thing etc until you have
>of the titles matched up with the indexes you want to rip.  Then hit the
>"rip and encode all" button.  Pretty simple hey!  The beauty about all of
>this is that I have scripted jaws to make this task a whole lot easier.
>David Truong
>E-mail and MS messenger:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Home Page:  http://members.optusnet.com.au/davidtruong/
>-----Original Message-----
>On Behalf Of Chris Skarstad
>Sent: Wednesday, 7 April 2004 3:49 PM
>To: PC audio discussion list.
>Subject: RE: ImToo DVD Audio Ripper and the way files are created
>Hi David! Well hot damn if that didn't do the trick!! if I ever make it 
>over to your neck of the woods man, the beer is on me. smile. Thanks. 
>Ok, one more question for you guys. I know some dvds have commentaries 
>on some movies and certain show episodes. is it possible to find these 
>on the dvd and convert them to an mp3 or is it just something that you 
>have to listen to and enjoy while you watch the dvd in your own player? 
>Just curious as I'd love to get some of the commentaries as well. 
>Thanks again David, this rocks!
>At 12:26 AM 4/7/2004, you wrote:
> >Hi Chris,
> >
> >You can do this easily.  Just find the ComboBox labelled "volume 
> >size" and change it to custom time then shift+tab once and you will 
> >find a settings button, then type in desired time.  I put 360 minutes 
> >as I know it would be unlikely that a dvd feature such as a movie 
> >would exceed 6 hours.
> >
> >David Truong
> >
> >E-mail and MS messenger:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >Home Page:  http://members.optusnet.com.au/davidtruong/
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >On Behalf Of Chris Skarstad
> >Sent: Wednesday, 7 April 2004 2:52 PM
> >Subject: ImToo DVD Audio Ripper and the way files are created
> >
> >
> >                         Hi guys
> >                         I just purchased a copy of ImToo DVD Audio 
> >Ripper v1.0.18 and it rocks. For those of you who don't know, this 
> >program takes the soundtrack from a dvd and converts it to an mp3 or 
> >a wav file so you can burn it onto a cd or listen to it on your 
> >computer. It's really easy to use and most things about the program 
> >are standard, but I've only got one little problem and I'm wondering 
> >if there's a way to do what I want.  I've got a box set of a tv 
> >series called The Critic, and each show lasts approximately 25 
> >minutes, give or take.
> >
> >What I'd like to do is have each show be it's own mp3 rather than 
> >having 6 or 7 files per show. I could put them into sound forge and 
> >join them all together but that's an arduous process and I'd really 
> >rather not do that if I can avoid it.  In the program there's a 
> >volume size combo box, and it has 3 choices.  Chapters which I tried 
> >and didn't like, 5 mb, and custom time 6 min.
> >   I thought of using the custom time choice but if there's an edit 
> >box to show how long to make each file, i can't seem to locate it.  
> >Also, this program has a rather odd menu bar type of thing. there's 
> >different buttons like file, tools, settings and help, but when I try 
> >clicking on them, nothing seems to happen. Anyone have any idea about 
> >how to solve this? Like I said, I'd  much rather have each individual 
> >show be it's own file rather than have 6 or 7 files per show and I'd 
> >really rather not spend all that time putting them together.  Thanks 
> >for any help you guys can give on or off list as well.
> >
> >
> >
> >
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