On 5 June 2014 19:12, Catalin Patulea <c...@vv.carleton.ca> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got a WRT54GS v1.0 and trying to run r41004 on it. I'm having
> trouble with assignment of GPIOs.
> The model number on the case, serial no, MAC and FCC ID all match a
> WRT54GS v1.0 according to:
> https://wikidevi.com/wiki/Linksys_WRT54GS_v1.0
> But my nvram has these board parameters:
> boardtype=0x0101
> boardnum=42
> boardrev=0x10
> (full nvram dump: http://pastebin.com/FVkddFSi)
> which in arch/mips/bcm47xx/board.c gets mapped to:
> {{BCM47XX_BOARD_LINKSYS_WRT54G, "Linksys WRT54G/GS/GL"}, "0x0101",
> "42", "0x10"},
> with these LED definitions:
> bcm47xx_leds_linksys_wrt54gsv1[] __initconst = {
>   BCM47XX_GPIO_LED(0, "unk", "dmz", 1, LEDS_GPIO_DEFSTATE_OFF),
>   BCM47XX_GPIO_LED(1, "unk", "power", 0, LEDS_GPIO_DEFSTATE_ON),
>   BCM47XX_GPIO_LED(5, "white", "wps", 1, LEDS_GPIO_DEFSTATE_OFF),
>   BCM47XX_GPIO_LED(7, "orange", "wps", 1, LEDS_GPIO_DEFSTATE_OFF),
> };
> I have DMZ and power LEDs, but they're on different GPIOs, and I don't
> have a WPS LED (front panel looks like this:
> http://www.rootdir.de/linksys_wrt54gs/wrt54gs_rev1.1_5.jpg).
> I did some experimentation and this is my GPIO layout:
> GPIOs 0-15, ssb_chipco_gpio:
>  gpio-0   (sysfs               ) out hi WLAN LED active high
>  gpio-1   (sysfs               ) out lo PWR LED 0=blink 1=on
>  gpio-2   (adm_eecs            ) in  lo
>  gpio-3   (adm_eesk            ) in  lo
>  gpio-4   (sysfs               ) in  hi
>  gpio-5   (adm_eedi            ) in  lo
>  gpio-6   (adm_eerc            ) in  hi RESET BTN active low
>  gpio-7   (sysfs               ) in  hi DMZ LED active low
>  gpio-8   (sysfs               ) in  lo
>  gpio-9   (sysfs               ) in  lo
>  gpio-10  (sysfs               ) in  lo
>  gpio-11  (sysfs               ) in  lo
>  gpio-12  (sysfs               ) in  lo
>  gpio-13  (sysfs               ) in  lo
>  gpio-14  (sysfs               ) in  lo
>  gpio-15  (sysfs               ) in  lo
> which most closely matches WRTSL54GS (except no WPS LED).
> The ADM pins also might be wrong (despite definitions in the nvram
> that point to those pins). My switch gets detected but when I do
> "swconfig switch0 show" my system reboots.
> It feels like I have a WRT54GS v1.0 hardware with WRT54G NVRAM. Does
> anyone have a WRT54GS v1.0 nvram dump to compare? WRTSL54GS dump would
> also be nice.
> Catalin

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