On Wednesday 03 April 2013 10:12:52 Graham Cobb wrote:
> I can see how it should all work if preinit included a non-blank assignment
> to fs_failsafe_ifname.  But I haven't been able to work out how that is
> normally set during a build or if there is some other mechanism which is
> normally used.
With help from eximido I have discovered that a fix for the problem is to use 
menuconfig to set "Preinit network interface" to eth0.  The image then works 
for failsafe.

However, I have not managed to work out the best way to patch the support for 
the device to either force that config option on or to change the default 
/etc/preinit.  How do other devices handle specifying the interface to use for 
failsafe mode?

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