On Wednesday 03 April 2013 09:21:18 Bastian Bittorf wrote:
> Have you tried the WAN-Interface? On some devices only the WAN-port
> is reachable via - or are really no interfaces up? (empty
> ifconfig?)
Thanks for the reply Bastian.  I did try all that -- before I went to the 
effort of ordering a DKU-5 and creating a serial cable (and at least one other 
user has hit the same problem, in the forum discussion of WDR4900 support).  
Using the serial cable I have fixed my problem and unbricked the device.  

Using the console, I confirmed that the problem is that in failsafe mode, 
ifconfig is empty.  I am now trying to work out how to fix that in the image 
build so I can submit a patch.

I can see how it should all work if preinit included a non-blank assignment to 
fs_failsafe_ifname.  But I haven't been able to work out how that is normally 
set during a build or if there is some other mechanism which is normally used.

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