
>>> [ ] base-files standard
>>> [ ] base-files mini (no sed/awk, experimental)
>> But how many space is safe if busybox is compiled without sed and
>> awk?
> 485.928 bytes original
> 451.976 bytes without sed+awk

that is 5k once lzma compressed it for squashfs so the size argument can
be negected, leavin only the personal style bit (?)

> but thats not only the point. if we have a selectable

that was the point in a previous mail if i did not misread it

> experimental base-files package, we have the chance to:
> - clean up base-files

we had that part, the cleanup is more a personal style preference than a

> - trying new concepts in base-files

that is always a good idea, innovation is important, as long as the
focus is not lost

> - e.g. trying to abondon ifconfig/route/arp by using ip

i doubt that owrt will ever switch to using ip, at least not in its
current state.

> - (having support for lowmem-devices =<4MB RAM)

owrt never really made an effort to support devices with <=4MB

> without having stomach ache, when base breaks.

i dont get the "when base breaks" bit

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