> Sed will return the same output, regardless what shell you use.

You say: lets use another language, we cannot
be sure, that our shell-scripts are portable.

IMHO we should better work on the scripts, to
be sure they are portable - and don't change the

> >> IMHO you should keep things as they are. I had to read your

what you say is:
is compile's: lets ship it - but IMHO we should
clean up, as often we can. if it breaks - than we
have something done wrong before...

> Well, 'something' is good enough to read the code and if I need to
> know and don't understand the details, I can alway
> paste 'sed -ne 's![^0-9].*$!!p' /proc/uptime' on a command line.

ok, maybe in this special example.
what about this code in file:

for ifn in $(ifconfig | sed -ne 

how long must you read, to get it?
how easy you can paste this to a cmdline?

> >> this use of sed is common sense.
> > yes, but this does'nt make it better if many
> > people do it wrong.
> >
> That's not an excuse. We should help/train/review so that it is
> done properly.

exact, thats the point: review. and make it better, if possible - so here is 
the patch...

> Next week we can enjoy a patch from somebody who thinks that it is
> better to use sed,awk or cut here instead of doing it
> your way... ??

if the next/somebody has a reason to change it,
than he is welcome. we should always administer
the code...

bye, Bastian
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