I fixed some package (with small patches). I will send tomorrow my
proposed patches.

best regards,


On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 9:29 PM, Felix Fietkau <n...@openwrt.org> wrote:
> Michael Buesch wrote:
>> On Wednesday 28 October 2009 03:04:41 Felix Fietkau wrote:
>>> > That would be a huge advantage and speedup the openwrt buildprocess by
>>> > about 35-40 percent points on my quad machine. The advantage gets higher 
>>> > the more cores we have.
>>> > And I think quads are not that uncommon anymore today.
>>> Why do you think the difference is that big between building multiple
>>> packages at the same time and building individual packages in parallel?
>> Because the cpu utilization is horribly low during an openwrt build.
>> It ranges from 25% for the toolchain to 99% for the kernel.
>> For compiling "normal" packages there's usually an overall utilization of 
>> 60-75%. I'm pretty sure
>> if we'd allow two processors (or more) on one package at the same time, it 
>> would go up to nearly 99%
>> on my machine. Especially for bigger packages like busybox, ssh, etc...
>> I'd also like to have an optional (default off) parallel build of the 
>> toolchain. I don't mind
>> poking it two or three times. That'd still be faster than compiling the 
>> whole toolchain at 25%.
> I did a test with all packages of trunk selected (/packages not
> included), and 3 packages broke with very weird build failures.
> This was with a small change to include/package.mk that sets
> MAKE := $(MAKE) -j 8
> and some other patches to replace $(MAKE) all install calls with
> multiple calls.
> The three packages that broke were apex, iproute2, openssl. Also when
> I've done similar tests in the past, some other packages also broke,
> though only under rare, hard to trigger circumstances.
> If somebody makes a patch that enables package build parallelization, I
> definitely don't want to have this enabled by default whenever somebody
> does make -j in the OpenWrt build system.
> I think most people that use make -j would prefer to have something that
> may be a little slower, but doesn't cause unexpected build failures
> depending on the parallelization level.
> - Felix

Luigi 'Comio' Mantellini
R&D - Software
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