On Tuesday 27 October 2009 12:26:00 Felix Fietkau wrote:
> To be honest, I don't see this as a problem. We don't pass parallel
> builds on to individual package make processes. Parallelization is done
> *only* on the build system level, with one exception: the kernel.
> And since most packages don't handle parallel builds properly anyway, I
> don't see much of a reason to change this

I think you are overestimating the issue with your "most packages" statement.
I have the following in my bashrc since more than 3 years
        alias make="make -j5"
and I did not see a single parallelization related failure, yet.

Yeah, I also saw some gcc toolchain failures in the past (over 5 years ago)
and I did not try parallel build on gcc again since then. Maybe that's an 

So wouldn't it be better to allow parallel builds in the packages and instead
disable it _only_ for broken packages?

That would be a huge advantage and speedup the openwrt buildprocess by
about 35-40 percent points on my quad machine. The advantage gets higher the 
more cores we have.
And I think quads are not that uncommon anymore today.

I do believe that compilation time is a major factor of development efficiency.

Greetings, Michael.
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