Luigi 'Comio' Mantellini wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm using the parallel make (see my previous parallel/distcc compilation 
> patchset). I noticed that a lof packages use the following make invocation:
> $(MAKE) all install
> "all" followed by "install" target.
> In general this is not correct for the following:
>  1) Not all Makefiles have a rule like "install: all" to assure the correct 
> sequence
>  2) gmake doens't assure that the targets sequence in the command line will 
> be 
> respected
>  3) parallel make will file for 1) and 2)
> I would like to see all packets that use this poor practices to convert the 
> single make call to distinct make invactions:
>  $(MAKE) all
>  $(MAKE) install
> This simple rule assures to cover the previous 1) 2) 3) points.
> I hope that this mail is useful for the future developments.
To be honest, I don't see this as a problem. We don't pass parallel
builds on to individual package make processes. Parallelization is done
*only* on the build system level, with one exception: the kernel.
And since most packages don't handle parallel builds properly anyway, I
don't see much of a reason to change this

- Felix
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