On Thursday 03 July 2008 11:01:17 Luigi 'Comio' Mantellini wrote:
> Hi All,
> I know that what I say usually is ignored :D But I like to flood this ml
> with stupid(?) ideas.
> The actual OpenWRT considers kernels 2.6.X.Y and 2.6.X.(Y+1) as a very
> different kernels downloading the full sources for both. I think that
> this is not a good approach because this is time and band expensive.
> An idea should be to download the full sources 2.6.X kernels and just
> the patches 2.6.X.1, 2.6.X.2, ... 2.6.X.Y to cover the kernels with
> version like 2.6.X.Y. The result will be a gain in terms of band and
> time utilization.
> I think that to achieve this the download perl and make scripts should
> be made more smart than actual versions
> These optimizations should be applied also to gcc and uclibc and any
> other package that provides diff between versions. 
> Thanks a lot for your comments.


Greetings Michael.
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