Hi All,

I know that what I say usually is ignored :D But I like to flood this ml
with stupid(?) ideas.

The actual OpenWRT considers kernels 2.6.X.Y and 2.6.X.(Y+1) as a very
different kernels downloading the full sources for both. I think that
this is not a good approach because this is time and band expensive.

An idea should be to download the full sources 2.6.X kernels and just
the patches 2.6.X.1, 2.6.X.2, ... 2.6.X.Y to cover the kernels with
version like 2.6.X.Y. The result will be a gain in terms of band and
time utilization.

I think that to achieve this the download perl and make scripts should
be made more smart than actual versions

These optimizations should be applied also to gcc and uclibc and any
other package that provides diff between versions. 
Thanks a lot for your comments.



     ______       Luigi Mantellini
   .'______'.     R&D - Software
  (.'      '.)    Industrie Dial Face S.p.A.
  ( :=----=: )    Via Canzo, 4
  ('.______.')    20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI), Italy
   '.______.'     Tel.: +39 02 5167 2813
                  Fax:  +39 02 5167 2459
Ind.  Dial Face   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
www.idf-hit.com   GPG fingerprint: 3DD1 7B71 FBDF 6376 1B4A
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