On Sunday 22 June 2008 00:06:47 RB wrote:
> 1.  Non-developers submitting patches would be required to
> additionally submit a ticket for its inclusion; this gets greater
> visibility but somewhat sidesteps the whole community review bit that
> emailing the list has.
> 2.  One of the developers commits to handling public/forward patches
> (think Andrew Morton) and serves as a developer-side focal point for
> patch review and inclusion.  This puts a larger focus & strain on
> individuals and reduce their time available for direct development,
> but could also help improve quality and visibility.

>From my perspective, using the ticket system would be best. Then I could 
submit my patch and forget about it afterwards, because I would be notified 
by mail when someone made changes to the ticket.

It doesn't place too much work on a single person, which could become a 
bottleneck at times. Also, it assists the devs in keeping track of available 
contributions without someone having to do this kind of "housekeeping" by 

We could establish some kind of guideline to distinguish tickets including 
patches from other (bug report) tickets, maybe placing "[patch]" into the 
subject line, or by placing it into some special category.

I don't currently see any disadvantage in moving the discussion & review 
process of particular patches from the mailing list to the ticketing system 
itself. After all, ticketing systems can be configured to automatically send 
mail on certain changes, although I'm not particularly familiar with the 
current system.

This would still keep the mailing list open to discussion about issues not 
pertaining to particular patches. It could also be made to reproduce comments 
made in the ticket system, but that depends on how the ticket system will be 

> > Personally I can only appologize for the long overdue responses and I
> > will do my best to work towards a better solution.
> No need for apologies, we just want to help make things better.


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