Antonio Quartulli <>
> Thanks for testing!
> I'd expect CRYPTO_CHACHA20POLY1305 to pull what's needed. Strange that
> it didn't happen.
> On my workstation I did not have such problem.
> Anyway, I will double check if there is something missing on our side.

These modules will be auto-loaded by ovpn-dco if they exist in the
system. the problem is that openwrt won't install them by default.
openwrt ovpn-dco config file needs to be fixed so the required modules
will be installed together.

I also compare ovpn-dco and wireguard dependency:

>lsmod | grep ovpn_dco
ovpn_dco_v2            98304  0
ip6_udp_tunnel         16384  1 ovpn_dco_v2
udp_tunnel             28672  1 ovpn_dco_v2

>lsmod | grep wireguard
curve25519_x86_64      36864  1 wireguard
ip6_udp_tunnel         16384  1 wireguard
libchacha20poly1305    16384  1 wireguard
libcurve25519_generic   53248  2 wireguard,curve25519_x86_64
udp_tunnel             20480  1 wireguard
wireguard              69632  0

I don't know if ovpn-dco can make
crypto_chacha20poly1305/crypto_lib_chacha related modules as a
necessary dependency like wireguard?

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