
On 25/04/2024 12:07, d tbsky wrote:

I think you should look for CONFIG_CRYPTO_CHACHA20POLY1305 in the kernel

after trying and testing, I found besides
will auto-load the three modules when doing CHACHA20POLY1305. at RHEL9
the later two are compiled into kernel directly, so only module
CHACHA20POLY1305 module will be auto-loaded. maybe ovpn-dco should
make dependency with these modules directly like wireguard.

Thanks for testing!
I'd expect CRYPTO_CHACHA20POLY1305 to pull what's needed. Strange that it didn't happen.
On my workstation I did not have such problem.
Anyway, I will double check if there is something missing on our side.

the device can do "100Mbs/60Mbps" upload/download speed with chacha20
dco. it seems dco is good at encryption, but not so good at
decryption(wireguard can do 300Mbps).  as a client normally I want
fast decryption. is there parameter I can tune for faster decryption?

Unfortunately there is no magic button to improve decryption performance alone. Problem being that there can be many factors affecting the results here..including the specific platform you are testing this on.

This said, dco is going through a large code revamp, therefore we'll get a chance to better investigate performance issue once that revamp is done.

Thanks a lot for your feedback so far!

Antonio Quartulli

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