yet, but I just noticed that a Windows client was saying it got it's
openvpn IP client address from a DHCP server running on the .254 address..
> The server is actually set up to use the .1 address (ie "ifconfig
> x.y.z.1"), so as far as I'm concerned, the .254 address is
> available for a client.
With dhcp defaulting to 254, a windows client cannot be given 254. That
makes one wonder why .254 is used for the dhcp-server (why not .0?).
The documentation may be a bit lacking on this point. By default, the
offset parameter in "ip-win32 dynamic offset" is effectively -1 (not 0).
That's why the masquerading dhcp server defaults to .254. So, while .254 is
definitely available for clients in general, by default it can't be
assigned to a windows client that needs dhcp support. A non windows client
can use it and co-exist with windows clients.
I think use of 0 instead of 254 for dhcp should work, making 254 usable on
all clients. So why is that not the default?
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