
> But then making the variable static just to keep a valid pointer beyond the
> current block local looks like a kludge. For me seeing static applied to a
> variable scoped to a block is just confusing and unusual style. Think of 
> this: if
> you remove that static the code may still build and even work on some
> compilers depending on optimization level etc. and mysteriously fail on some
> occasions. From that one could either conclude a static qualifier is required
> her or the variable is wrongly scoped. I think the latter conclusion is the 
> 'right'
> one and static is a misuse.
> As for the combination 'static const ...', it has a place and that is for 
> constants
> defined outside functions to limit the scope of an otherwise  global const to
> that of the compilation unit.
> It may be just me.

Not necessarily. It may be just *me*. :)

Anyway, you got me convinced and I shall move those structs from data segment 
to stack in the next version of the patch.

> I like it: using "OpenVPN" as a kind of namespace also avoids name collision
> with any other 'foobar' installed in HKLM\Software\foobar

Exactly, introducing instances is all about avoiding namespace collisions.

> Not sure I follow, but will wait for the patch. I suppose naming additional
> instances as, say, 'foo'  using the official package and have service pipe, 
> exit
> event etc named after it and registry keys taken from HKLM\Software\foo
> will still work.

In the v1 and v2 patches, yes. But in v3 patch, the PACKAGE/PACKAGE_NAME is 
always used as the prefix/namespace. This way we impose the "OpenVPN" branding 
to all instances by compile-time default. In v3, people can't take the 
interactive service and make it disguise as the "Microsoft\Office\Automatic 

The v3 made instancing less flexible on purpose.

If you disagree, I can revert to v1/2 behaviour.

> In fact I like the current patch in that it allows installing even the 
> official
> instance as a named one with name = OpenVPN and thus decouples
> automatic and interactive services. That makes it easy to avoid installing the
> legacy service, which I think no one uses anymore.

Ouch. *We* would use the automatic service if it was coded slightly different. 
I didn't know the legacy automatic service is on the obsolete list yet.

Perhaps, a true replacement for the automatic service could be to make the 
openvpn.exe itself to be able to install and run as a Windows service (--daemon 
for Windows):
- The SCM would restart it, should openvpn.exe terminate or crash.
- Separate openvpn.exe service for each ovpn configuration, allowing admins to 
manage them individually.
- Linux like behaviour, where you run each tunnel as a separate Systemd daemon.

(That is exactly what I'd need for our office. Right now we are wrapping 
openvpn.exe inside a NSSM service helper. Would be nice to get that feature 

Back to the interactive service... According to the latest [PATCH( v3 
missing)], one would need to start the default instance of the interactive 
service only using the following service command line:

openvpnserv.exe -instance interactive ""

A bit odd for the command line.

Again, I can revert to v1/2 behaviour and let the end-users select the whole 
instance name at run-time.

Best regards,

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