The problem is for some reasons your Fuel Master installation was not
finished successfully, there are logs which you can check to figure out
what went wrong (see my previous message), also send a full output of
`` command execution. It may make sense to try to
install from scratch, if you did a lot of manual changes and
configurations, to ensure there are no overlapping problems.


On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 9:42 AM, Vincent Jahjah <>

> Hello,
> Thank you for your advice!
> Curl did not work on the master node.
> It seems that nginx was not installed (service nginx status did not detect
> nginx).
> I used yum to install nginx, but doing this seems arbitrary and does not
> seem to do anything (was it not supposed to be there in the first place?)
> The bootstrap_admin_node logs suggested I use "fuel-bootstrap build
> --activate" once I had fixed the network.
> This command crashes on a Cobbler issue (first image).
> The configuration file of Cobbler has a comment suggesting I restart the
> cobbler demon. (second image)
> The command still fails after restarting the demon.
> This is the point where I begin to suspect httpd (apache) is in cause.
> When I restart httpd, I get a strange error explaining how there is a name
> duplication in the Cobbler configuration file inside the /etc/httpd
> folders. (two last images) Specifically:
> > # Use separate process group for wsgi
> > WSGISocketPrefix /var/run/wsgi
> > WSGIScriptAlias /cobbler_web /usr/share/cobbler/web/cobbler.wsgi
> > WSGIDaemonProcess cobbler_web display-name=%{GROUP}  /// ***This line***
> > WSGIProcessGroup cobbler_web
> > WSGIPassAuthorization On
> At this point, I am rather clueless and am starting to wonder if I am not
> breaking the OS further by stabbing in the dark. I wonder if this is
> leading anywhere, or whether I should just restart the Fuel installation
> from the CentOS image...
> Vincent
> ------------------------------
> *De :* Evgeniy L <>
> *Envoyé :* 7 février 2017 13:07:32
> *À :* Vincent Jahjah
> *Cc :*
> *Objet :* Re: [Openstack] [Fuel] Cannot access Fuel 10.0 UI because of
> unavailable Nailgun server
> Hi,
> Try to access UI using "curl" from your machine and from Fuel Master:
> 1. If it's not available from your machine but available from Fuel Master,
> make sure that your network is configured correctly use regular
> troubleshooting techniques for that ping/traceroute/tcpdump.
> 2. If it's not available from both, your machine and Fuel Master, verify
> that Nginx up and running and that it's configured correctly, there could
> be problems with installation see "/var/log/puppet/bootstrap_admin_node.log"
> for details.
> Thanks,
> On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 6:21 AM, Vincent Jahjah <
> > wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have attempted installing Fuel on my IBM server for testing purposes.
>> I currently find myself in a similar situation as the one described in
>> this Openstack ask post: https://ask.openstack.or
>> g/en/question/84510/fuel-ui-network-error/
>> I can ping to and from the server, and when I try to connect to the UI
>> from my web browser, the page does not load. The browser tells me I might
>> have too stringent security requirements, but this does not seem to be the
>> issue (deactivating the firewall does not change anything).
>> I cannot restart the Nailgun server simply because the dockerctl commands
>> are deprecated on my version, and I have not found anywhere the commands
>> that are meant to replace it.
>> fuel-utils reveals no issues with Nailgun, but apparently something is
>> off with Cobbler (that's probably not relevant though).
>> When I check for the availability of the Nailgun server, I am told "Can't
>> connect to Nailgun server! Please modify "SERVER_ADDRESS" and "LISTEN_PORT""
>> My config.yaml file looks like this:
>> LISTEN_PORT:"8000"
>> SERVER_PORT:"8443"
>> KEYSTONE_USER:"................"
>> KEYSTONE_PASS:"................"
>> The IP is the host's IP as well as that advertised on the fuel console
>> launch; 8443 is the advertised port for login as well.
>> I have added some of the following rules to the host's firewall, more or
>> less blindly following tutorials:
>> *filter
>> :INPUT DROP [0:0]
>> :FORWARD DROP [0:0]
>> :OUTPUT ACCEPT [243:14376]
>> :ext-filter-forward - [0:0]
>> :ext-filter-input - [0:0]
>> -A INPUT -i lo -m comment --comment "000 allow loopback" -j ACCEPT
>> -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW --dport 23 -j ACCEPT
>> -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
>> -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 8000 -j ACCEPT
>> -A INPUT -s -p tcp -m multiport --dports 22 -m comment
>> --comment "010 ssh" -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
>> I do "service iptable restart" and I restart firewalld after modifying
>> this file.
>> I restart the network before trying to access the fuel UI.
>> I do all of my modifications on my client machine, on PuTTy using Telnet.
>> I've been stuck on this issue and have been on the lookout for support,
>> hence my joining this email list.
>> This is not the only issue I've run into, but that's the most pressing
>> one right now.
>> I know that I am attempting to join the right site on the browser because
>> the tab icon on Chrome changes to the Fuel icon.
>> Regards,
>> Vincent
>> fuel ui network error - Ask OpenStack: Q&A Site for ...
>> <>
>> Hi All I am trying Mirantis Fuel 7 or OpenStack deployment. Environment:
>> Fuel Master - 2 IP (, 192.168.x.y, Gateway - 192.168.x.z) Fuel
>> slaves - 2 Using ...
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