Tom, No flame, just observation about the reality of these changes.
I think we missed this communication on the mailing list or in the FAQs or somewhere else. I think most engineering-focused organizations are looking at the PTGs only and not really considering the summit for budget planning. If folks knew the operators were only going to be at the OpenStack Summit, I think that may change budget planning for engineering organizations. Seems like more siloing to me, not less. We need to integrate OpenStack’s development with Operators as well as the Operator’s customers (the cloud consumers the Operators deliver to). Does the foundation not want to co-locate the ops summit at the PTG because the ops summit feeds into the OpenStack Summit main ops day(s)? I don’t have any easy solutions for this problem, but the expectation that project developers are required at 3 week-long events instead of 2 wasn’t clearly communicated and should be rectified beyond a post to the openstack-dev mailing list where most people filter messages by tags (i.e. your message is probably not reaching the correct audience). Regards -steve From: "" <> Reply-To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" <> Date: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at 7:29 PM To: "" <> Subject: [openstack-dev] PTG from the Ops Perspective - a few short notes Hello all, It's fantastic to see all of the PTG planning that has been going on in recent threads. It's clear there's a bit of confusion too, and as mriedem notes - us "mere mortals" are probably going to take some time to figure it out. Nothing's final of course, and we're going to take a while and iterate to success. With that in mind, I'm going to don the flame-proof suit and try to list a few very short, simple things to try and help, particularly to understand from the ops-y side of things. Throwing away all the context and nuance here that could stave off attacks, so please be nice :) * The OpenStack Summit is the start of a release cycle * If you do nothing else, please check out the diagram on the PTG site - it's good. We're finally acknowledging that a release cycle starts with planning, rather than when the code branch opens :) It means that we'll be finalizing development on one release while planning another, though we've actually been doing that already. The difference is that with this change, we'll have the summit in the right place to get decent feedback and ideas from users: at the very start of the cycle. * The OpenStack Summit is the place where the entire community gets together * Just because there's the PTG, doesn't mean the Summit becomes some marketing thing. If you want to have pre-spec brainstorming or feedback discussions with users: Summit. If you need to be involved in the strategic direction of OpenStack: Summit. If you just want to hang out with your project team and talk code only: you're going to love the PTG :) * Don't expect Ops at the PTG * The PTG has been designed for you to have a space to get stuff done. Unless a user is so deep into code that you basically look at them as "one of the team", they're not going to be there. If you'd like feedback and ideas from users, plan that to happen at the start of the cycle - i.e. Summit :) Thank you for your exceptional patience as we work all this out! Ready for the flame-tan now :) Regards, Tom __________________________________________________________________________ OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions) Unsubscribe:<>?subject:unsubscribe
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