On 3 January 2014 04:30, Jeremy Stanley <fu...@yuggoth.org> wrote: > On 2014-01-02 11:53:23 +0000 (+0000), Day, Phil wrote:
> For many of us who started working as Unix sysadmins in the 1980s or > earlier, there was no hard line between a "developer" and an > "administrator" (though the term "operator" had a much different > connotation back then). This divisive mindset which has more > recently plagued the computing industry is primarily the result of > educational institutions and corporate management focusing on > skillset over-specialization, and has caused detrimental effects, I disagree here - educational institutions have followed the trend, not set it. Likewise corporate management. The trend setting occured IMNSHO through organisations like Novell and Microsoft disrupting the computing marketplace through their products {itself neither good or bad} but what was bad was their choice to not ship the source code: their products then became both better (from a commercial value perspective) and worse (from a organisations-can-fix-their-own-issues) perspective. Taken over 20 years while Unix has struggled to learn the lessons offered by those products and you get a culture of product consumption and the expectation that there are hard boundaries where debugging and improvements stop. > even damage, to our technical effectiveness as a culture. I see the > more recent "devops" movement as simply a return to the idea that > you run systems by writing and debugging software rather than > waiting for someone else to write/fix it for you. I think that mischaracterises devops :). One of the crucial sea-changes that has occurred in the intervening period between early Unix administration and now is the broad acceptance of untested code as unprofessional, broken, bad. When I first got involved in Open Source only a few projects had test suites. Now a test suite is a standard expected part of software development, and a key part of the 'infrastructure as code' concept that is deeply embedded into devops is the idea of automated testing of the infrastructure definitions themselves: this is new and extremely valuable :) -Rob -- Robert Collins <rbtcoll...@hp.com> Distinguished Technologist HP Converged Cloud _______________________________________________ OpenStack-dev mailing list OpenStack-dev@lists.openstack.org http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-dev