What worries me is that before, correctly, it was stated: copybot is not illegal, copying something and then SELLING it is.
If some really good hacker does exactly that what everyone says: get content that simply can't be protected, then that doesn't mean he will start a business with it and make USD$ 100,000 per year with products of others. And until someone does that (sell products of others), it's innocent childs play. Therefore, copying stuff isn't that bad by itself imho (please raise your hand if you really never download a movie from the internet). I really, really hate witch hunts, where something is blown out of proportions and then attacked in ways that have nothing in common with reality anymore. -- After a couple of weeks in SL I decide happily to become a magician: someone with knowledge that the average user didn't have. Someone who could do things in-world that most people didn't even know were possible. Being able to do magic doesn't make one evil. You can use magic for good things too. Now all those dreams have been killed with this TPV policy, making my happy fantasies illegal and having a ban hanging like a dark cloud above my head. I wish that just immoral things were made illegal... not fun things. On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 07:41:53PM +0100, Marine Kelley wrote: > Err... Content theft has always been a problem, will always be a problem, and > LL better be on the same page with developers, content makers and customers > here. Content theft is not to be tolerated and must be fought. But some > critical parts of the whole system have been put on the client side at a time > when there was no question of the client to be open-sourced. Then LL decided > to > open-source it, and had to face many vulnerabilities that were suddenly > exposed, and to plug them one by one. -- Carlo Wood <ca...@alinoe.com> _______________________________________________ Policies and (un)subscribe information available here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/OpenSource-Dev Please read the policies before posting to keep unmoderated posting privileges