Xiaofan Chen wrote:
> >> cd libftdi-1.0 && ../openocd/bootstrap && ./configure \
> >> --prefix=/tmp/test --disable-libftdipp --disable-python-binding \
> >> --without-examples && make install && cd ..
> I see. You are using the autoconf scripts. The libftdi-1.0 developers
> are mainly using CMake. The autoconf scripts will be removed sooner
> or later as far as I know and there may be potentially problems with
> the scripts.

Fair enough, I did notice the CMake files, but at the moment I'm
better with autotools, and I did test the build and the binary, so I
felt it was OK to suggest it. :)

As it turns out, the FindUSB1.cmake file in libftdi does not work
correctly with a non-standard PKG_CONFIG_DIR, when libusb-1.0 is also
installed in the system. (LIBUSB_INCLUDE_DIR is correct from
pkg-config, but LIBUSB_LIBRARIES has FILEPATH=/usr/lib/libusb-1.0.so)

So the autotools method is actually the only way to reliably build
this libftdi source against libusb-1.0 outside the system

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