On 06/01/2010 10:03 PM, Øyvind Harboe wrote:
On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 9:36 PM, Spencer Oliver<s...@spen-soft.co.uk>  wrote:
On 01/06/2010 13:22, gcembed wrote:

Here is the modified patch

On 06/01/2010 02:01 PM, freddie_cho...@op.pl wrote:

"gcembed"<gcem...@gmail.com>  napisał(a):
I have added a new command for stm32x : mass_erase_unlock
This function combine "stm32x unlock 0" + reset to apply unlock +
"stm32x mass_erase 0"

Any reason not to implement this as a target tcl script?

Good point.

I'll hold off merging this one.

I have tried to use existing command and "mww" function to unlock, erase, flash and verify stm32. I spent nearly one day to do that without modify sources (it's easier for me to use existing tools that create a patch, format it, send it to list and discuss about it which could take lot of time). I also do searches on Internet.
If someone has a working script, I will test it.
I have tested a lot of combination but none of these work.
The problem is that it works one time of two. The first time I want to flash, it fails when I want to mass_erase (error : Device protected), the next time I run the script, it works. I tried to reset the device with "reset", "jtag_reset" or "mww 0xE000ED0C 0x05FA0004" but same result. I also tried to shutdown OpenOCD between unlock and mass_erase, same result. I attach the Makefile. It is a little messy but it contains all that I tried.
Best regards,
NAME   = pblcd01_02
OUTDIR = bin
SOURCES = main.c stm32f10x_vector.c stm32f10x_it.c backlight.c hx8312a.c 

STLIB_PATH = stm32f10x_stdperiph-v330
STLIB_SOURCES = $(shell ls $(STLIB_PATH)/src/_*.c)
SCRIPTFILE = stm32f103vc.cmd

ARMPREFIX = /opt/cross/stm32/bin
CC      = $(ARMPREFIX)/arm-eabi-gcc
LD      = $(ARMPREFIX)/arm-eabi-ld -v
AR      = $(ARMPREFIX)/arm-eabi-ar
AS      = $(ARMPREFIX)/arm-eabi-as
CP      = $(ARMPREFIX)/arm-eabi-objcopy
OD      = $(ARMPREFIX)/arm-eabi-objdump
GDB     = $(ARMPREFIX)/arm-eabi-gdbtui

CFLAGS  =  -I./include -I$(STLIB_PATH)/inc -c -fno-common -O3 -g -Wall 
-mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb
AFLAGS  = -ahls -mapcs-32 -o crt.o
LFLAGS  = -T$(SCRIPTFILE) -nostartfiles -Map $(OUTDIR)/$(NAME).map
CPFLAGS = -Obinary

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Options for OpenOCD flash-programming
# see openocd.pdf/openocd.texi for further information
OOCD_CL+=-f /opt/cross/stm32/projects/stm32.cfg -f 
OOCD_CL+=-c init
OOCD_CL+=-c "jtag_khz 1000"
OOCD_CL+=-c "reset_config trst_and_srst"
OOCD_CL+=-c "halt"

OOCD_CL_UNLOCK=-c "mdw 0x40022010 1"
OOCD_CL_UNLOCK+=-c "stm32x unlock 0"
OOCD_CL_UNLOCK+=-c "mdw 0x40022010 1"
OOCD_CL_UNLOCK+=-c "mww 0x40022004 0x45670123"
OOCD_CL_UNLOCK+=-c "mww 0x40022004 0xCDEF89AB"
OOCD_CL_UNLOCK+=-c "mdw 0x40022010 1"
OOCD_CL_UNLOCK+=-c "sleep 200"
#OOCD_CL_UNLOCK+=-c "jtag_reset 1 1"
#OOCD_CL_UNLOCK+=-c "sleep 200"
#OOCD_CL_UNLOCK+=-c "jtag_reset 0 0"
#OOCD_CL_UNLOCK+=-c "sleep 200"
OOCD_CL_UNLOCK+=-c "mww 0xE000ED0C 0x05FA0007"
OOCD_CL_UNLOCK+=-c "shutdown"

OOCD_CL_FLASH=-c "reset halt"
OOCD_CL_FLASH+=-c "flash probe 0"
OOCD_CL_FLASH+=-c "stm32x unlock 0"
#OOCD_CL_FLASH+=-c "mdw 0x40022010 1"
#OOCD_CL_FLASH+=-c "mww 0x40022004 0x45670123"
#OOCD_CL_FLASH+=-c "mww 0x40022004 0xCDEF89AB"
#OOCD_CL_FLASH+=-c "mdw 0x40022010 1"
#OOCD_CL_FLASH+=-c "stm32x lock 0"
#OOCD_CL_FLASH+=-c "sleep 500"
#OOCD_CL_FLASH+=-c "jtag_reset 1 1"
#OOCD_CL_FLASH+=-c "sleep 500"
#OOCD_CL_FLASH+=-c "jtag_reset 0 0"
#OOCD_CL_FLASH+=-c "sleep 500"
#OOCD_CL_FLASH+=-c "reset halt"
OOCD_CL_FLASH+=-c "flash protect 0 0 last off"
OOCD_CL_FLASH+=-c "stm32x mass_erase 0"
#OOCD_CL_FLASH+=-c "flash erase_sector 0 0 last"
OOCD_CL_FLASH+=-c "flash write_bank 0 $(OOCD_LOADFILE) 0x0"
OOCD_CL_FLASH+=-c "flash protect 0 0 last on"
OOCD_CL_FLASH+=-c "verify_image $(OOCD_LOADFILE) 0x0"
OOCD_CL_FLASH+=-c "shutdown"

#OOCD_CL_RUN+=-c "mww 0xE000ED0C 0x5FA00007"
#OOCD_CL_RUN+=-c "poll"
OOCD_CL_RUN+=-c "reset run"
OOCD_CL_RUN+=-c "sleep 500"
OOCD_CL_RUN+=-c "shutdown"

OOCD_CL_RST+=-c "reset halt"
OOCD_CL_RST+=-c "jtag_reset 1 1"
OOCD_CL_RST+=-c "sleep 500"
OOCD_CL_RST+=-c "jtag_reset 0 0"
OOCD_CL_RST+=-c "sleep 500"
OOCD_CL_RST+=-c "reset halt"
OOCD_CL_RST+=-c "shutdown"

OOCD_CL_RST1+=-c "jtag_reset 1 1"
OOCD_CL_RST1+=-c "sleep 500"

OOCD_CL_RST0+=-c "jtag_reset 0 0"
OOCD_CL_RST0+=-c "sleep 500"
OOCD_CL_RST0+=-c "reset run"

OOCD_DEBUG+=-c "gdb_port 3333"
OOCD_DEBUG+=-c "telnet_port 4444"
#OOCD_DEBUG+=-c "mdw 0x40022010 1"
#OOCD_DEBUG+=-c "mww 0x40022004 0x45670123"
#OOCD_DEBUG+=-c "mww 0x40022004 0xCDEF89AB"
#OOCD_DEBUG+=-c "mdw 0x40022010 1"
#OOCD_DEBUG+=-c "reset halt"

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

        @ echo "...copying"
        $(CP) $(CPFLAGS) $(EXECUTABLE) $(OUTDIR)/$(NAME).bin
        $(OD) $(ODFLAGS) $(EXECUTABLE) > $(OUTDIR)/$(NAME).list

        @echo "..linking"
        $(LD) $(OBJECTS) $(LFLAGS) -o $@

        @echo ".compile"
        $(CC) $< $ $(CFLAGS) -o $@

program: all 
        @echo "...flashing"
#       $(OOCD_EXE) $(OOCD_CL) $(OOCD_CL_RST)
#       $(OOCD_EXE) $(OOCD_CL) $(OOCD_CL_RST)
#       $(OOCD_EXE) $(OOCD_CL) $(OOCD_CL_RST)
        $(OOCD_EXE) $(OOCD_CL) $(OOCD_CL_RUN)

        -killall -q openocd
#       $(OOCD_EXE) $(OOCD_CL) $(OOCD_CL_UNLOCK) &>/dev/tty6
        $(OOCD_EXE) $(OOCD_CL) $(OOCD_DEBUG)
        $(GDB) --eval-command="target remote localhost:3333" "$(EXECUTABLE)"
        -killall openocd
        $(OOCD_EXE) $(OOCD_CL) $(OOCD_CL_RST1)

        $(OOCD_EXE) $(OOCD_CL) $(OOCD_CL_RST0)

        -rm -f $(OUTDIR)/$(NAME).list $(EXECUTABLE) $(OUTDIR)/$(NAME).map 

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