Xiaofan Chen wrote, On 02/28/2010 06:08 PM:
On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 5:24 AM, Gene Smith<g...@chartertn.net> wrote:
On the Olimex CD (and on their site) there are two inf files:
I used ftdiport. After installing it at the yellow ? device, the yellow ?
remained but it put new Olimex OCD Device under "Universal Serial Bus
controllers". Possibly I should use ftdibus.inf? Will try it now.
You may have to modify the inf file to point it to interface B.
You can post the inf file.
Also, disabling the device under yellow ? seems to inhibit the new h/w
wizard, so maybe that is all you really have to do if you only care about
the jtag functionality?
I suspect that it will not work. After reboot, you may still get the
wizard. But you can try it.
It worked for me on two different XP-Home systems. Just disabled it and and,
for good measure, rebooted a couple times. Came back up with no "New
H/W" nags.
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