On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 12:53 AM, Xiaofan Chen <xiaof...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 8:35 AM, CeDeROM <tomek.ce...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If you want to test the latest 0.4.0-rc2 source code, please download
>> this unapproved port package and uncompress it into /usr/ports/devel:
>> http://files.tomek.cedro.info/stuff/openocd-040-rc2.tar.gz
>> If you want to get the sources from a GIT repository, please try the
>> standard git scenario. I am in doubt if openocd-devel port should
>> allow building the source code from git, or building the RC versions
>> from a package (just as above 0.4.0-RC2 and in this case the ports is
>> already prepared) - I have to consult the system developers...
> Sorry if I sound a bit harsh. Last time when I was trying
> FreeBSD, I do not need to use Port for the packages
> I am interested -- some cutting edge packages for PIC
> development and some libusb programs to test USB PICs.
> I can always build from source. And I needed to build the kernel
> from Hans' then alternative USB stack (now in main tree) with
> patches. The stock kernel never worked for the libusb programs
> I was interested then.
> Just look at my old blog posts about FreeBSD.
> http://mcuee.blogspot.com/search/label/FreeBSD
> Still thanks a lot for the help. I will first try to update libftdi and
> then see if that helps to build the latest git.

Yes Xiao I have seen Your blog and posts about FreeBSD some time ago
and I liked them a lot! You are very active also on other low-level
groups, our interests are similar somehow, this is why I try to
introduce this nice and efficient tool/OS for you, as its working for
me very well - maybe someone reading these posts will use it too  :-)
Please understand, that what you do (in a Linux-way) can be achieved
in more efficient way - you dont need to build these programs from
scratch every time, and so none of the users need to do this anymore.
There is no need to remember all of these switches and quirks, create
thousands of howtos and tutorials - most of them somehow different
from another producing different (and unpredictable) results. It is
important to create only one automation Makefile (called a Port) and
let yourself and other users install or even build program of your
chioce with one command "make install"! I can bet that most of your
troubles have their reason in not using the port tree - like this
"updating the libftdi" it will be done automatically for you (you have
to only "make deinstall; make reinstall" within a new libftdi port, if
some other dependant port build fails) :-)

If there are no Ports for your software, You can make one! There is a
great step-by-step tutorial on how to do this:

If there are no up-to-date ports, you can send a request to the
maintainer using the GNATS system, or send the update yourself. This
system is not perfect, but its much more well organized than the
others in my opinion. This creates standard and predictable
environment where you can concentrate on your work rather than setting
up the system all the time. Maybe the drivers amount is lower than in
Windows or Linux, but noone forbids us to write one ourselves and to
again master our skills, or simply to have fun working - this is why I
want to develop this system for my needs and I advise this to others
hahah :-)

Best regards,

CeDeROM, SQ7MHZ, http://www.tomek.cedro.info
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