There is a new development on the libusb 1.0 for Windows front now that libusb 1.0 already works under Linux and Mac OS X. Now the libusb-winusb branch reached beta status. This may be a good alternative to the libusb-win32 project which has not moved for years. The benefits of this WinUSB backend is that it will work for 64bit Windows like Vista and Windows 7. The WinUSB backend will not support isochronous transfer, but that is not a problem for use with OpenOCD. libusb-winusb will be integrated to the main libusb-1.0 tree (using git). Once it is mature, I think it will be very good replacement for libusb-win32 for libftdi and OpenOCD project. Interestingly, one of the tools the author (Pete) used for testing is OpenOCD with the FTDI based dongle. He is modifying libftdi to use his libusb-winusb and it seems that OpenOCD still works. I will give it a try later. Please try this branch if you are interested. -- Xiaofan _______________________________________________ Openocd-development mailing list