On Wednesday 11 November 2009, Zach Welch wrote:
> Please restate this in the form of a problem that needs solving.
> You have stated a solution.  What was the original problem?
> Are there other possible solutions?  How does this solve it better than
> other alternatives?

And what happened to that more standard Tcl model I mentioned a
while back ... a series of interpreters, with the current target
object at the front of the series, and more global stuff back at
the end?

I'm quite sure that was one of the ways folk did objects in Tcl
back a few years.  Interpreters in Tcl are supposed to be light
weight scopes.  Currently we make them be heavy-weight, and that
creates some impedence mismatches...

> The fact that you sometimes don't get a response could mean that nobody
> understood what you were talking about.  If you make such proposals by
> posting a patch series, the conversation should be more productive.  :)

On the other hand ... for big things, it's best to avoid
turning fuzzy ideas into C.  There's a risk of tha fuzziness
getting committed, and then getting hard to remove.

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