Rohit Chandel pisze:
> First time it tells that drivers are loaded successfully and it prompts 
> again for the location of the driver. I gave the same location again but 
> it says 'could not find the driver software' for this device.

And in the driver's .inf file it says:

> ; Devices which have USB<=>UART converter on the second channel should have
> ; only ONE entry - the second channel is handled by the generic ft2232 driver
> ; from FTDI. egnite Turtelizer2 is an example.
> ; Devices which use only the first channel (JTAG only) should have TWO entries
> ; for BOTH channels. Amontec JTAGkey is an example.

The important part:

> the second channel is handled by the generic ft2232 driver from FTDI

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