I understand that you do not want to make any changes so close to the release of a new version. No problem.

I made 3 changes in the table amt_jtagaccel_tap_move. This table defines how to move from one state to the other. It consists of two bytes per state move. The five LSB of the first byte will be shifted out to the right to the TMS-line. If you need an other 5 bytes to reach the desired state, you have to OR the first word with 0x80 and supply the next 5 bits in the second word (5 LSB).

The first change is the neccesary one to correct the problem. This is the sequence to go from state RESET to state DRSHIFT. The value of these 2 bytes were 0x8a and 0x04. This means that the bitstream to do this transition is 0b 00100 01010 (send LSB first). This will bring you from the reset state to the shift state, but you enter the shift-state twice, which explains why the ID-CODE that will be read next is already shifted 1 bit. I corrected this to 0x05 and 0x00. This will send te bitstream 0b00101 (send LSB first). This will bring you from the RESET state to the DRSHIFT state more directly and without entering the DRSHIFT state twice.

After checking the whole table, I found two other transitions that were correct, but could be optimized (5 bits in stead of 10 bits).
Summary off all changes:
    From   To       Old values  Old Bitstream  New values  New Bitstream  Remark
    ----   -------  ----------  -------------  ----------  -------------  ------
    RESET  DRSHIFT  0x8a 0x04   0b00100 01010  0x05 0x00   0b00101        To Correct the error (and optimization)
    IDLE   DRSHIFT  0x85 0x08   0b01000 00101  0x04 0x00   0b00100        Optimization
    IDLE   IRSHIFT  0x8b 0x08   0b01000 01011  0x06 0x00   0b00110        Optimization

Hopefully, this explanation helps.

Good luck with your 0.2.0 branch release!

P.S. I'm working on the code of the amt_jtagaccel interface to incorporate speed setting in kHz.

Ferdinand Postema

Zach Welch schreef:
Without further confirmation of this patch's correctness, I do not want
to add it until after the 0.2.0 branch release.  I have been trying to
push that out for most of the week, but it would be good to include this
fix if it is indeed required.

Can you perhaps provide a little more explanation regarding why you
believe this patch to be correct?  Sorry for having to ask, but I need
to learn the details in order to make an informed decision about it.

On Fri, 2009-07-03 at 22:16 +0200, Ferdinand Postema wrote:

I found the bug by myself. I have made a patch file to correct it.
Is it possible to incorporate this patch into the source code?

Ferdinand Postema

Ferdinand Postema schreef:
First I want to say that I am very happy with the OpenOCD-software! I 
like it very much.

I have a Chameleon POD from Amontec. This dongle can be programmed to 
act as a Wiggler-cable, but also as a JTAG Accelerator interface.
I use it in combination with an ARM processor and a FPGA. Both are 
supplied by Propox.

When I use the Wiggler JTAG interface, I get the following information:
   Info : JTAG tap: at91sam9260.cpu tap/device found: 0x0792603f 
(Manufacturer: 0x01f, Part: 0x7926, Version: 0x0)
When I use the Amontec JTAG Accelerator Interface, I get the following 
   Info : JTAG tap: at91sam9260.cpu tap/device found: 0x03c9301f 
(Manufacturer: 0x00f, Part: 0x3c93, Version: 0x0)
It looks like the whole word is shifted 1 bit. I think the Wiggler 
interface is correct.

I also tried my FPGA module and got the following ID's:
                   Manuf.  Chip        wiggler     amtjtagaccel
   Processor:      Atmel   AT91SAM9260 0x0792603f  0x03c9301f
   Platform Flash: Xilinx  XCF01S      0xF5044093  0x7A822049
   FPGA:           Xilinx  XC3S200     0x01414093  0x80A0A049

The ID of the FPGA is not only shifted 1 bit to the right, but is also 
OR-ed with 0x80000000
The wiggler ID is correct

Can you correct this?

Kind regards,

Ferdinand Postema
(The Netherlands)

plain text document attachment (openocd_wrong_id_code.patch)
Index: src/jtag/amt_jtagaccel.c
--- src/jtag/amt_jtagaccel.c	(revision 2461)
+++ src/jtag/amt_jtagaccel.c	(working copy)
@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@
 static uint8_t amt_jtagaccel_tap_move[6][6][2] =
 	/*	   RESET         IDLE        DRSHIFT       DRPAUSE       IRSHIFT       IRPAUSE             */
-	{{0x1f, 0x00}, {0x0f, 0x00}, {0x8a, 0x04}, {0x0a, 0x00}, {0x06, 0x00}, {0x96, 0x00}},	/* RESET */
-	{{0x1f, 0x00}, {0x00, 0x00}, {0x85, 0x08}, {0x05, 0x00}, {0x8b, 0x08}, {0x0b, 0x00}},	/* IDLE */
+	{{0x1f, 0x00}, {0x0f, 0x00}, {0x05, 0x00}, {0x0a, 0x00}, {0x06, 0x00}, {0x96, 0x00}},	/* RESET */
+	{{0x1f, 0x00}, {0x00, 0x00}, {0x04, 0x00}, {0x05, 0x00}, {0x06, 0x00}, {0x0b, 0x00}},	/* IDLE */
 	{{0x1f, 0x00}, {0x0d, 0x00}, {0x00, 0x00}, {0x01, 0x00}, {0x8f, 0x09}, {0x8f, 0x01}},	/* DRSHIFT  */
 	{{0x1f, 0x00}, {0x0c, 0x00}, {0x08, 0x00}, {0x00, 0x00}, {0x8f, 0x09}, {0x8f, 0x01}},	/* DRPAUSE  */
 	{{0x1f, 0x00}, {0x0d, 0x00}, {0x07, 0x00}, {0x97, 0x00}, {0x00, 0x00}, {0x01, 0x00}},	/* IRSHIFT  */
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